Chapter 7: Genin?

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Kurenai was gnashing her teeth after watching Naruto's fight with Hinata. He tore her down, goaded her into a fight and then dissected her and kept a straight face about it the whole time, "I'm going to kill that brat when this is over."

Tsunade glared back at her, "Be quiet Kurenai and be professional. It was a fight. Mind games are supposed to be just another tool that shinobi use. This isn't a primary school where everyone is everyone's friend and you can hold her hand the entire time. You were the ones that were so sure he wouldn't get this far. Not bad for a 'dead-last' huh?"

Asuma looked at Tsunade, "You sure must like that kid huh Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade smirked at him, "Why wouldn't I? That's one tough brat down there. Unlike the majority of your kids he has the right idea on what a shinobi is supposed to do. He's loyal, and he's actually pretty pleasant if you didn't piss him off at you. Oh wait, none of you know anyone that ever tried talking to him seriously before."

Tsunade laughed slightly, "I have half a mind to promote him to jounin after this. He's already got chunin."

Gai walked up, "Tsunade-sama, I admit, Naruto-kun's flames of youth burn brighter than previously advertised, but are you sure? Jounin is a whole other league, especially for a child."

Tsunade looked at Gai with a smirk, "Well, he's still got three fights left. He'll show you just what league he's in. I think I'll give him some time as a chunin first, he won't get anything less than that though. I don't think any of the remaining genin can even touch him."

Kakashi chimed in, "He still hasn't fought Sasuke yet Tsunade-sama. Things can change in the blink of an eye you know."

Tsunade got a predatory look in her eye, "So Kakashi, sounds like you still don't think much about our little blonde gaki out there. How about a little wager?"

Kakashi eye-smiled, "Name your terms."

Tsunade's grin got wider, "Oh this one might entertain you quite a bit... and I wouldn't really call it a wager, more of a request of sorts."


In the crowd the recently released sand siblings were in attendance, stopping off to watch the event going on in the stadium before returning to their home, their time as P.O.W.s now over. Taking their seats they were curious as to what was going on. Kankuro noticed Gaara watching down on the field intently. Looking down there himself he saw Naruto standing alone with Anko down in the center, "Isn't that the kid that caught us?"

Temari squinted before widening her eyes in surprise, "It is. What is he doing here? Is this all about him?"

A disgruntled fan snorted, "That demon brat is taking on a bunch of the prominent genin in this village. The poor kids... That demon is slaughtering them out there."

Gaara blinked and locked eyes with the man, "So Uzumaki is killing his genin opponents in the ring?"

The man flinched at Gaara's gaze and monotone speaking voice, "No, not really. But he's running right through them all. I knew he was hiding something for all these years."

Temari and Kankuro looked confused, Temari voiced their question, "Why does this place despise the kid so much?"

Gaara simply looked at her and back out into the arena, "He is like me."

Both Temari and Kankuro was shocked. Like Gaara? He has a demon in him too? Why hasn't he ended up the same way that Gaara did then. These people hate him, not fear him so he couldn't be killing them.


Naruto yawned loudly back in the stadium. He had been here for over four hours and had not been even close to pushed yet, this was more of a light spar to him than anything else all things considered, hell it wasn't even a spar; during a spar you actually get hit.

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