Chapter 38: Violence Parade in the Downpour

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Fukasaku sighed, "You really need to learn how to use Sage Mode on your own Jiraiya-chan."

"Yeah, yeah." Jiraiya said as he emerged from the shadows of the hole in the wall, "You know I wish I could, but I'm still just a tadpole compared to you two." Jiraiya now had a larger, more bulbous nose with warts, he now had a goatee, the lines on his face were far thicker, his eyes were toad-like, and-.

Fukasaku looked around, "So where's this guy with the Rinnegan now? I don't see nobody."

Shima shook her head, "Maybe our sight is failing us in our old age."

Jiraiya kept his eyes peeled around himself to keep watch for an attack from the still undetectable Pein, "It's not your fault. He's hiding inside of a summon of his that can blend in with the surroundings, more or less making itself invisible."

Shima looked at Jiraiya oddly, "You mean like a chameleon or something?"

The human in the odd team spoke, "I've already put up a detection barrier with Gamaken, but-."

Shima cut him off and made a hand-seal, "That ain't gonna get us nowhere! If you're looking for a living creature we'll find it in no time!"

"Don't strain yourself Ma, you'll give yourself more wrinkles." Fukasaku cracked, getting an angered growl out of the female toad, "By the way Jiraiya-chan, I realize that you need us because this guy is so tough, but why are you fighting him in the first place?"

Jiraiya shrugged, "Well... he's a former student of mine."

Fukasaku looked at Jiraiya in shock, "Well it obviously ain't the Uzumaki boy or you'd be up the wall right now... Which means-." His eyes widened in realization.

"He's the destined child?" Shima asked incredulously, "Then why are you fighting him?"

Jiraiya didn't rightly know how to respond to that, "Unfortunately he didn't grow up to be the man I hoped he'd become, plus I'd heard rumors that he died and convinced myself that this 'Pein' couldn't possibly be my student."

Fukasaku shook it off rather quickly, "Well whatever the case if he ain't turned out right we gotta kill 'em!"

Shima scoffed, "That prophecy was just the senile old fart rambling on and on, just like always! Anyways enough of that, let's get 'em!" Shima stuck her tongue out, at the tip of it appeared to be a face with sharp teeth that seemed to be looking around before pointing in a general direction, "Found 'em."

The tongue stretched and shot out before wrapping around what seemed to be air, "Gotcha!" The tongue started excreting a corrosive chemical that exposed Pein's chameleon as it slammed it into the ground, "Pa!"

Fukasaku's tongue leapt out of his mouth with speed and force and was hard enough to cut through the pipes along the wall, the chameleon itself, and the ground beneath it. The chameleon dispelled in a puff of smoke, "So that's the Rinnegan... they're definitely the eyes that the legends described. What a wretched sight. So he's the destined child."

Jiraiya nodded as Pein clapped his hands together, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu)!" In a puff of smoke, two more men kneeled down on opposite sides of Pein. One of them was large and bulky, with orange hair tied into a short ponytail. The other one was a tall, slender man with long orange hair. They both had multiple piercings all over their faces and wore scratched out Ame hitae-ates along with the Akatsuki cloak.

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