Chapter 33: Allergic to Life

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After the little conflict with Kakuzu and Hidan had been settled, Jiraiya had made sure that Naruto had gotten treatment back in Kumogakure for his more nagging injuries and wounds suffered from the prolonged battle. For the physical price he paid keeping Yugito out of Akatsuki's clutches a stay in the hospital was the least that could be allowed for him.

Speaking of Yugito, surprisingly after the battle was complete the worst damage she suffered was the injury through her hands that had been inflicted at the start. She didn't suffer any permanent nerve damage, but it was advised that she refrain from training until further notice to keep from reinjuring herself.

During Naruto's hospital stay Jiraiya took to trying to examine Naruto's sword... and failed miserably as it did not let Jiraiya lay a finger on it without cutting into his hands with wind chakra, which piqued his interest as that was Naruto's main element type, however from what he had seen of the sword Naruto, who had finished his wind element training, never channeled chakra through the blade, and then it had that second form that simply augmented his abilities, but from what he had gleaned from Naruto it drained him heavily.

Naruto was strong. This was always evident to Jiraiya. Back when he took Naruto with him to retrieve Tsunade it was clear that anyone short of the absolute best in the world would have a horrible day if they had decided to tangle with Naruto, but now Jiraiya wasn't sure if he could put Naruto down without having to resort to his absolute best, although any stirring from the Kyuubi and he could always slap a suppression seal on Naruto, but getting it on him was an entirely different matter altogether.

He and Tsunade needed to have a conversation on his growth once he got the kid healed up and dragged him back to Konoha. In the meantime he was getting his kicks off of watching the nursing staff in Kumo's hospital keep Naruto in place. Apparently with a jinchuuriki like Kirabi they got used to him trying to break out before he was released early on in his life and had way more experience dealing with a rowdy, powerful demon container. No leniency was given, even stepping out of bed set off an alert for trained orderlies to put him right back, forcefully... and if that wasn't enough the head doctor was a woman with a glare that could freeze lava on point.

Yes, after the first day Naruto was a good boy. The company didn't hurt either however.


(Kumogakure no Sato - Kumo Hospital)

Naruto sat, seething to himself in his bed, "I never thought I would find something I hate more than Konoha's hospital, but now I think Kumo's is pushing it firmly out of the way for sure."

Yugito rolled her eyes from a nearby chair, "Oh get over it Naruto-kun, they'll let you out when they think you're good and ready."

"I am good and ready! I was ready the day after I was admitted and now it's been three days! They're just now letting me bathe myself!" He nearly whined to her, "Hospitals are for the dead and dying. I am neither so they should let me go." He ran a hand through his hair, "I can't believe mugging that orderly and transforming into him didn't get me out... I thought that would work for sure."

Yugito didn't miss a beat, "Kirabi tried that six years ago."

Naruto sighed, "Of course he did." He then lightly glared at her, noticing that she was dressed in her own clothing, "How come they let you go?"

Yugito grinned cheekily at him, "All I had besides the busted ribs were a few burns and my messed up hands." Yugito lifted her heavily bandaged palms and waved them at Naruto showingly, "You had all kinds of torn muscles in your legs and arms. How did you even tear the muscles anyway?"

Naruto glowered, "The bastard sword I carry with me." He let off a scowl as his heirloom blade, "That thing is more trouble than it's worth sometimes. How am I supposed to train with it when it rips my body apart just using it?"

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