Chapter 51: Time to Kill

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"You're full of so much crap gaki." What a way to say good morning. Of course Jiraiya's comment could be understood once he heard what Naruto had told him last night about his little discussion with the Kyuubi, "Are you sure you weren't just having a really specific nightmare?"

Naruto let out a scoff as the two of them walked to the usual training waterfall of oil, not that they would be using it today, it was just where they had been used to training while there on the mountain, "I don't have nightmares Ero-kyofu. And I know the difference between a dream and my mind, especially when I woke up after the talk already with the chakra running through me. The Kyuubi was not lying."

Jiraiya could only shake his head at the thought of what was being presented to him, "How could the Kyuubi even learn to use it?"

A shrug came from his young blonde godson, "I don't know. I learned to use it. You said a massive reservoir of chakra was needed to do it, well that's all the Kyuubi is; chakra. It was stuck in my head with nothing to do but watch me train, it was going to get the feeling of nature chakra down too, same as me. And if you're talking about staying still to gather the chakra..." At this point he switched to giving the older man a deadpan look, "All the Kyuubi does is stay still for twenty hours a day at least. I'm pretty sure it has practice, more practice than me."

"That's really not very inspiring to hear Naruto." Jiraiya said with a grimace, "You're telling me the Kyuubi can use Sage Mode?"

"No!" Naruto said with eyes wide as he actually stopped walking for a moment, "Hell no! Not functionally at least!" He could actually hear the Kyuubi cackling inside of his head at the idea, "If it could do that then I'd say just let the thing loose right now because I can't beat it. It can't because it has to stay still to gather the chakra like me, and I can just take the nature chakra away from it like I was trying to get its actual chakra like normal." He shook his head just thinking about the idea and started walking again, "Are you insane? If it really could then do you think I'd be in this good of a mood right now?"

"Maybe?" Jiraiya answered unsurely.

Naruto rolled his eyes before responding, "If that really happened then I probably would have jumped off of the highest cliff on the mountain... and slit my goddamn throat on the way down. Because there's just no reason to keep on trying anymore."

"That's a really negative sentiment you know." Remarked Jiraiya dryly, but then he thought about actually having to fight the Kyuubi himself... and then to fight the Kyuubi with the ability to use Sage Mode... and then thought about a loose Kyuubi that could use Sage Mode functionally... and figured that he would probably do something similar. But there was nothing he could do but use the advantage that was granted to him and hope that the Kyuubi didn't find a way to make Sage Mode functional for itself, "What if the Kyuubi somehow starts learning how to do Sage Mode properly?"

"Then I'll stop using it. I have a second idea that's less convenient..." Naruto replied with a frown, "Not by much, but if it comes down to it then it's always good to have a backup plan. I had to get some help to come up with it, but that's what a support system is for isn't it?"

Jiraiya gave Naruto a strange look, "What support system?"

Naruto pointed at the communication tattoo on his shoulder, "The best kind. The cute kind of support that has high-level sealing knowledge." He saw Jiraiya nod in understanding before a lecherous grin spread over his face, "I don't like that look. What's with that?"

"So you can talk to your servant sweetheart eh?" Jiraiya said with a pondering inflection in his tone, "Do you ever talk dirty to her with that tattoo of yours? Maybe that's why she's so happy all of the time even when you're not there?"

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