Chapter 6: Running the Gauntlet

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The people that wandered into the chunin exam stadium for the test they were informed was going to happen were surprised to see one Naruto Uzumaki, already sitting down in the center of the arena, decked out in a dark red muscle shirt and pants, hitae-ate as a belt, seemingly in a meditative state. As more and more people filed in a smattering of comments regarding why the 'demon brat' was here and what the test was exactly.

Naruto was seated under the tree in the arena currently resting. The five days of pranks prior to this were him actually training himself. He had been neglecting the basics of his ninja arts in exchange for power and jutsu, something he blamed on his other side. After fighting Kabuto and remembering how he used to be he remembered the words told to him in his fomulative years, "The ninja with stealth and surprise on his side should be able to win without ever using a single jutsu."

He had spent the days progressively stepping up the difficulty of his pranks, and much to his delight he had never been caught once, even when deliberately provoking a response that alerted others of his direct location... Except for the pranks on Sasuke, no test was intended... That was purely for him, it was just sheer fun.

Around 9 o' clock the familiar bear masked Anbu of Tsunade's arrived next to him. Naruto stood up to properly greet the man, "Hello Kuma-san. Baa-chan send you to get me again?"

The Anbu nodded, "Yes, Hokage-sama would like to know if you would like her to tell you the rules of engagement prior to the beginning of your test?"

Naruto shook his head, "No, she'll just end up explaining it to everyone after they all arrive anyway, there's no need to make her do it twice so I'll just wait."

Kuma nodded and shunshined out of Naruto's space, leaving him to continue meditating until he would inevitably end up being interrupted again. The next interruption occurred at around 9:30 when Kurenai led her team into the arena. Naruto's focus was broken by Kiba loudly bragging, "Oh man, we're all fighting Naruto? What did he do to piss the Hokage off like that to get this to happen to him?"

Kurenai looked over to Naruto who waved back at her in indifference before returning to his meditation. She looked down at Kiba, "Kiba, do not underestimate him here. He already defeated you once already, you shouldn't do the same thing twice in this instance."

Kiba smirked in confidence, "He got in a few lucky shots last time. This one won't last nearly as long, me and Akamaru will knock him out before he can start playing his games."

The Kyuubi scoffed in Naruto's mind, "What a loud mutt. I hope you fight him first so you can shut him up and I don't have to hear him bark anymore." Naruto smirked slightly, 'Calm down Kyuubi. They'll all get my point in a few minutes.'

Shino looked over at Naruto who was still seated under his tree, "Kurenai-sensei, I don't understand why we're all fighting Uzumaki-san in the first place. You said all of the teams would be participating, that is illogical. Why would all of the teams be needed to fight just him?"

Kurenai looked at her sunglasses-sporting genin, "The Hokage gave him this option last week during a meeting and he took it. I don't understand just why it's happening in the first place but all you can do is fight him at your best."

Shino nodded, "I wasn't planning on doing anything other than that."

Kurenai looked at Hinata who was trying her best to look anywhere but at the blonde sitting under the tree, "Hinata. You will probably have to fight him too. Don't let anything cloud your mind on this. If you don't fight him seriously then there is a good chance that he will defeat you."

Hinata nodded, but her mind was a wreck, 'I have to fight Naruto-kun. I-I can't possibly bring myself to do anything to hurt him. What would I do if I injured him? Would I ever have a chance with him then?'

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