Chapter 16: One Bad Little Boy

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"Kit have I ever mentioned that you're my favorite container ever?" The Kyuubi stated with a grin. Ever since it had found out what Naruto had planned for his would-be assassin's execution he was all smiles.

Naruto rolled his eyes once again as he made his way towards the Raikage Tower, 'I'm pretty sure that I'm your only container. And seriously, this is why you think I'm great? Not because I took you out of that musty cage, not because I gave you free reign to run roughshod over my mindscape village, and not because I let you see what I see, feel what I feel, and all the nine yards. No, the reason you think I'm awesome is because of my preferred method of execution.'

A vulpine grin that Naruto could just feel inside of his head pulled across the demon lord's lips, "Exactly." The Kyuubi chuckled upon hearing Naruto scoff, "And you would think that you were my only container wouldn't you?"

Naruto let a look of surprise cross over his face as he almost stopped walking, 'Wait, what? You're saying you've had a jinchuuriki before? Who was it? Were they better than me? And is the fact that only I'm killing the bastard that tried to kill me really a good reason to label me as the best?' He asked the last question almost mockingly.

Kyuubi sighed, "The first one simply kept me locked up for the most part and never really did anything at all, not even really tried to get any semblance of control, I was just pretty much ignored for the most part. The second one was much the same, she never really willingly tried to come into contact with me and thus my prison, A.K.A. the mindscape in which I am kept, fell into a disheveled state, in other words it deteriorated into the sewer that you first met me in."

Naruto nodded to what appeared to the people in the streets to be himself as he thought on his prisoner's words, 'True, true... I can see how that would already put me leaps and bounds ahead of them.'

Kyuubi continued, "Both of them also held the ability to restrain my power. My first jinchuuriki had very close ties to the Shodaime Hokage and with his ability to restrain the biju with his Mokuton he ended up passing off some of the ability to reign me in to that person's already impressive skills. Did you know that my first container sealed me into their own body? I'll tell you those damn mind chains were a real pain in my ass too. The next one was much the same, like I said, only more with the mind chains, and then there was you. Of course I was never used that much, why do you think that Gaara had so many tricks with his biju and you don't? Because every jinchuuriki that Shukaku was sealed in actually used it, it had to develop tricks and add-ons to survive. I was never really used, therefore all I taught you was the Imari, because I never had to come up with anything else. I'm just glad that you had enough imagination to come up with your own stuff."

'And then there was me...' Naruto repeated in his head, 'What about me?'

Naruto saw the Raikage Tower coming in sight as he continued listening on to the Kyuubi, "You didn't chain me down to anything. As a matter of fact even after you realized that I was the one that had nearly eradicated your home years ago you still treated me levelly. You not only actually let me see the outside world, you took it upon yourself to renovate the dreary sewer I had been in up to that point. And you have little to no problem giving into your natural bloodlust that comes with the territory of possessing me, even if you do only venture to that damned Forest of Death to indulge me."

Naruto rolled his eyes, 'Well I can't exactly go around killing random people whenever I want now can I? You'd better love me for what I'm about to do then, because this is going to suck for this guy.' Naruto saw his team standing outside of the tower, two with angry looks on their faces, and the other with a simple bored look on it with a senbon for added effect. Naruto grinned as he walked up, "So I assume the old man had some dealings to work out with Kumo's brass. How's everybody feeling today?"

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