Chapter 31: The Undead Connection

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Yugito ran through the tunnels of the sewer system of Kumogakure, breathing heavily as she shot a quick look behind her, "This is such a bad idea..." She said to herself but thought otherwise, 'But I can't just fight in the middle of the village like that. I would destroy so much of it just trying to defend myself.'

She stopped in the middle of an open area where several tunnels lead to, making it something of an open air central chamber. As she looked around her new setting, Yugito was forced to dodge a scythe attached to a cable that landed in the center of the water in the room, "Are you going to stop running now, because this chasing shit is getting irksome." One of the cloaked men said as he took off his hat to reveal slicked back silver hair, "You did good to dodge that though, but I am the slowest member of Akatsuki so that isn't saying too much."

"She did us a favor Hidan." The other said as he took off his hat to reveal a mask covered face with only his strange eyes with green irises and red sclera visible, "Down here there is less of a chance of the Kumo ninja interfering."

Hidan let out a laugh, "Yeah too bad about that. I can't kill her so slaughtering the droves of fools that came to stop us would have been the only thing I would have enjoyed about this whole thing." He shrugged carelessly as he picked his scythe back up, "Oh well then. Shall we do this already Kakuzu?"

Kakuzu growled at his partner, "You should take her seriously she is the Nibi jinchuuriki after all. She could kill you."

"Don't be stupid Kakuzu." Hidan said, "You know there's nothing that can kill me. And even if she could, good for her." He pulled a strange amulet on a necklace out, "But let me start this out with a prayer to Jashin-sama."

Kakuzu rolled his eyes, "You really piss me off with all of that praying."

"Hey you asshole!" Hidan snapped at Kakuzu, "It's a part of my religion."

Yugito smirked nervously, still trying to show her bravado, "You both walked right into this? Do you really see me as that little of a threat to you? Fine then." Yugito made a hand-seal that activated an explosive note above the tunnels they had taken to get to the chamber, "I brought you down here for a reason. A fight between us would destroy a lot of the village, but this sewer is far below the peaks of the village. We won't be hurting anyone by fighting down here."

Kakuzu chuckled, "A patriot huh? I remember when I used to be like you. One day you'll see what that gets you, more specifically when we're pulling your biju from your body and no one comes to save you. Then you'll see how much your beloved village cherishes your life."

"Hey." Hidan said reasonably, "I can't kill you so there's not a whole lot of motivation for me to get into a fight. Why don't we just talk this out and you come quietly with us. You don't have a chance to win."

"Maybe, maybe not." Yugito said, "But just talking about it isn't going to get us anywhere, I knew you were coming and I was ready for a fight." Yugito focused her power that actually blew her ponytail apart and began generating the Nibi's chakra, hunching over as it formed a spectral blue flame around her body in the form of a massive cat.

Hidan simply looked at her with not much of any emotion on his face, "So I guess that would be a no?"

Kakuzu palmed his face, "For the love of-... You are so stupid."

Hidan licked his lips in anticipation of a fight, "This is some jinchuuriki though. She's totally become the beast she holds."

Yugito roared and swatted Kakuzu's body into a wall, sending rubble about from the impact of his frame. She then turned to Hidan and opened her mouth, generating a large fireball, "Shit!" The fireball forced Hidan to dodge as it hit the wall behind him, utterly obliterating it and causing a mini cave-in.

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