Chapter 15: Kumo Chunin vs. Konoha Root

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"...Give me your best shot." Naruto stood in a reactive stance, awaiting any kind of action from the team of Kumo chunin. The looks on their faces ranged from deep thought, to rage and offense, to... no visible reaction. Naruto sighed, "If you don't come to me I'll come to you, and trust me, that's the last thing any of you want."

Karui growled at him, "Who do you think you are? What makes you think you're so goddamned better than us? That 'Konoha is the strongest hidden village' stuff is bullshit!"

Naruto blinked in confusion, "That's not it at all. I don't think I'm better than you, I just want a serious challenge."

Samui kept her impassive eyes on Naruto, "What do you mean? One-on-one is enough of a battle for you isn't it?"

Naruto chuckled, "I'm sick of one-on-one fights. I haven't had a good fight where the odds were against me in years, and you all look like a fantastic team. This is a perfect time to see whether or not I still have the stuff that I used to be made of back in the day, but that's another story for another time."

Omoi's eyes widened, "What do you mean, 'what you used to be made of'? You're just a chunin, and you're younger than us. How many situations could you have been in that pitted you against multiple opponents by yourself?"

Naruto shook his head, "There are some things that are better off left locked away. You don't need to know that and hopefully you'll never find out. But put it this way, I have a minimum of 9 S-ranked shinobi planning on coming for my ass and they travel in pairs. I need to get used to fighting a bunch of people at once and this is the best place to start so bring it on already!"

After a moment they still didn't attack. Shaking his head Naruto reached into his pack, putting them all on guard. Before he acted a smirk adorned his features, "You're all going to make this way too easy." He quickly threw a smoke bomb to the ground, enshrouding himself and masking his movements.

A mass of shuriken flew from the smoke, forcing all of Team Samui to dodge accordingly. In the middle of their evasive actions three Naruto's flew from the smoke and began engaging each of the team members separately.

Omoi drew his katana and began clashing blades with one of the Narutos, 'He can make solid bunshin? Which one is the real him?' Omoi then took a hit to the face when Naruto freed one of his hands from the blade and shifted to one side. As Omoi jumped back and rubbed his face he looked at a smirking Naruto, 'I really hope this is the real one because if this is one of his clones...'

Karui attacked instead of defended once she engaged her Naruto in kenjutsu. She was amazed at how fast he was. He was only using his sword to defend and was simply hitting her when she was open. She couldn't get a mark on him so far, it was making her angry, and that was what made her easy to defend against as far as Naruto was concerned, "Omoi! How are you doing against yours?"

Omoi looked to her and ended up eating a boot to his stomach for his troubles. After rolling back on the ground from the force of the kick he spit on the soil and spared her a momentary glance before refocusing, "Just great can't you tell? I'm just letting him beat my ass all over the valley."

Karui dodged one of her Naruto's punches and forced him to back off with a wild slash, intending to cleave his arm off, "Samui, what about you?"

Samui didn't answer as she was currently engaged in a deadly dance with the Naruto she was currently fighting. Samui's sword was so short that her Naruto wanted equal sport, and instead of drawing his ninjato drew dual kunai and fought her like that.

Samui was amazed at just how strong the boy was. He was absurdly stronger than her. It took almost all of her own strength to keep just from sliding backwards when she blocked one of his strikes, and she wanted nothing more than to visibly wince and cringe whenever she blocked one of his attacks that used both of his arms. His size truly belied his actual physical presence, he was shorter than her, and his muscles hadn't looked like they had much power, until he actually used them, and then every single muscle fiber, every facet of his definition came out for her to see when he tensed up to block or attack.

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