Chapter 1

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It was the best of times , it was the worst of times: France in year 1775 there were the aristocrats living the best life ever , eating thw best food while the farm workers, poor people were living in miserable poverty.

They were dying due to no food , a poor Madame her breasts were very dry to feed her only child , people were eating mud from starving . And you , you were one of the farm workers who was trying to work to just taste the bread .  If any one of the peasants looked at the noble people eyes
They are dead , like literally dead .

Y/n L/n a young lady at her early twenties .
All her family died due to starvation, she was trying to live her life before she could get killed at any time .

One day it was winter, the weather was so cold that it killed many people that don't have a blanket to just cover themselves in their sleep at the streets , you were sleeping beside a tree that was far from the other people, you were trying to get the tree leaves to cover yourself so you can get a warm sleep , but then you heard a steps but not humans one , it was horses you tried to hide behind the tree ,because you can't sleep in this place because there was the big ass door that the  England noble people only who can enter .

You were very scared of getting exposed , until you felt someone hands on your back .

" hey there kiddo , what are you doing in here you know you can't be in this place or you will be killed " you went very pale after you heard him , his voice was very deep you guessed he's in his 40s by his voice ,you knew that you are dead now , you didn't even turn to see him ,you still have your face in front of the tree .

" aww look at me kiddo I won't kill ya don't be scared trust me " the creepy man said
" who are you so I can trust ? " you said still having your face in front of the tree .

"Oh my bad I forgot to introduce myself , I'm Kenny ackerman the Minister of England , I'm just here so I can see my sister who's known by kuchel ackerman the wife of the fucking king of london and Paris , oh god this man is so horrible I hope he dies , he literally turn those cities into trash uhhh  i don't know how kuchel married him and loved him " the Kenny guy was talking way too much as if I was his friend .

"Um mr Kenny don't you think that you shouldn't tell me your whole life ?" Your words escape your mouth after trying very hard to talk because you were freezing.

"Nah you look like a trustee one and you are my friend now little kid , oh here is my jacket " you heard him remove his jacket and putting it on you .
While he was dressing you the jacket you titled your head so you can see him , he was wearing something close to a suit , a hat and his weird beard .

" and you are a pretty one tho ! , what's your name by the way?" The man asked for your name , You hesitated to tell him your name but something felt right Abt him like he hates the king and his ruling so maybe that means that he hates the Conditions ??

"Thank you sir , I'm y/n " you said to him after feeling so warm from the jacket he gave you .
"Okay y/n don't let anyone steal this jacket from you ok? And try to get some where else to sleep , you are a lucky one cuz anyone else could kill you " Kenny said after waving his fingers as a goodbye.
Then you heard the sound of the horses getting lower and lower .

A/n : so basically the first chapter sucks i know forgive me if there is any grammar error, I hope you enjoyed it my ladies xoxo .



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