Chapter 2

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After your warm sleep you woke up at 6 am to your usual work , the farm . You already knew you don't take money form this job because the noble people was putting taxes on the taxes and a penalty for not paying taxes so it was a long story .

You were walking to the farm humming a melody from your mind until you get there .

"Hey mr Henry how are you doing in this fucking life ?" You asked the old man , the owner of the farm.
"Language L/n , I guess I'm fine but there is something..." mr. Henry told you , you noticed that his face became so sad .

"What is it ? You know you can tell me and I won't tell anyone!" you were trying to get him happy because you hate to see this man sad , he is like a father to you ,he took you after your family death .

"I know y/n I trust you till death .." he said hesitating to continue "the government just increased the taxes and if I couldn't afford them I would be dead at any time" he said while looking at the sunrise .

"Hey don't say that I will try my best to get the money dont worry old man " you said while hugging him .

"But what if I died?"

Those words came like a knife in the heart but you tried not to show emotions
"I just said that I will get the money duh !"

The man giggled and looked at her eyes "thank you a lot y/n really I appreciate everything you do to me "

"Awww you are so cute Henry but what is new you are always a one ".
"Oh btw y/n where did you get this jacket??" Mr Henry asked
"Oh this , it's a secret hehe "


After a long hard day of working trying to get the money for mr Henry and you did save a lot , it was the evening you went to the river , you checked that there isn't anyone there , you removed your clothes and went straight to the river to shower although the water is not that clean but showering with this is better that not showering.


It was late at night and you went to your favourite spot , the tree
You tried to sleep but then you heard a big growling from your stomach because you haven't ate since morning.

"Ahhhh I know you are hungry but shut up I'm hungry too " you said trying to massage it to make it less painful.

" Didn't i say don't be here again or you will be killed ??" You heard someone saying this into your ears .

"AHHHHH WTH MAN , oh mr Kenny my bad I'm so sorry for what I said but you really scared me " you said trying to get your breath while your heart is beating fast .

"Oh kiddo I'm heading back to london , and I saw here at the same place that I warn you to stay at , Oh and here some food for you I heard you talking that you are hungry and here is some money  I heard you saying that you need money too" Kenny said while giving me the food and the money.

"Hey thank you so much but how do you hear that I wanted money tho ? I was just wondering in my mind?" You asked him dumbfounded.

"Oh kiddo maybe it was in your mind  but you were thinking out loud !" Kenny said while smiling, honestly his smile was a bit creepy but ok .

"Ok so I came to say goodbye and please find you somewhere else than here cuz if anyone saw you here you are dead like what I said , bye kiddo " Kenny said while his body is fading away.

"Bye ." You said with your teary eyes , you can't believe that money and food like whoa this is probably heaven .

You slept after eating your food and putting the money under you , scared of getting robbed.

A/n : I'm rly tired it's like 2 am now and I have school tomorrow so I'm going to complete this at the next chapter stay tuned .
Love you my ladies xoxo .


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