Chapter 3

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After your sleep you woke up at the same time as yesterday, you grabbed your things and went to find another place as Kenny said .

After a long walk you finally found the perfect spot, an abandoned building with a roof so you thought you might stay at the roof as well.
Then you were walking happily to the farm to give me Henry the money to pay off his taxes while humming the same melody as yesterday day ,
You heard a screaming .
And at this moment you knew someone was getting killed and you get over to it but something felt off.

While you were walking to the farm ignoring the screaming of people you just saw why people were screaming.
It was one of those noble fucking people killing mr Henry .

You saw this scene in front of your eyes can't believe that they killed him for a freaking money , you heard some of them talking , "heh this man deserves it for not paying his money " said the man who killed him while having his head in his hand , that was the second traumatised scene you have ever seen after you family's death.
The man was laughing while cleaning his hands from the blood , the man has  weird reddish hair and in a bowl cut style .

You run at mr henry's body trying to get it to give him a decent funeral but you heard the same man talking again .
"Awww , young lady is crying over  him what a pity " he said while laughing at me
"Enough flock you know his death wasnt that necessary!"
Said a man with a long hair having the half of it in a bun but you didn't see his eyes because you don't  dare to look at their eyes.

" So his name is flock , I swear to god I will kill you bitch  " you thought in your mind that you want to give him the ugliest death ever just  like his face .

After trying to get mr henry's body to bury him , you failed because they took his body and burn it in front of your eyes , what a crime .

You went running on the streets while crying about what just happened, mr Henry was the only one you  had left but now you are lonely. While running you just pumped into someone.
You apologised to him but then you felt an arm grabbing you , " Tch sorry really?! , do you see me as if I was one of those filthy brats ?!! " said a deep voice like hella deep .

" hey I said sorry what is wro-" you just realised that the person you pumped into is not a farm worker .

" What? did the cat swallow your tongue? Or oh you are scared now , you know I can kill you right now and here right? "

" I'm so sorry sir please forgive me it won't happen again , can you let me go please??" You said while your eyes are on the floor trying to move your body to go .

" hey brat where do you think you are going?! Look at me don't you know who am I ?" He said while squeezing your hand harder .
"I said look at me !"

"my bad for not knowing you but please can you let off my hand ?" You said while moving you head and eyes and making eye contact with him.

"Why do you want me to let you go huh and you should talk to me better than that brat I'm Levi ackerman!" He said while making his hand even harder .
And here you knew that you fucked up .
It's Levi fucking Ackerman the son of the king , "I'm dead shit " you thought in your mind .

" Sir my hand please it's hurting " you cried out but he was looking at you studying everything about you .

" are you ordering me to remove my hand brat ?" He said still looking at you with his greyish eyes .
"Sir I didn't say that I ordered you " you said trying to not to scream from the pain .

Suddenly Levi just realised what he was doing and removed his hand while his other hand getting a handkerchief to wipe the hand he were putting on you .

"Tch filthy creature " he said cleaning his hand .

"Excuse you, you didn't even say sorry look at my hands now it's blue !!! " you said while crying from your hand , this man was so strong  but doesn't look strong cuz he is short for that although he is taller than you but still short for a man .

" What did you just say?" He asked while looking at you with the same cold eyes.

"I won't repeat that not my fault you didn't hear " you said that and just sprinted from him , he was yelling at you and running after you but you just went to so many streets trying to hide from him and you did escape.
" uhhh that was hella close " you said trying to catch your breath but you felt that you are going to throw up and then you passed out.

A/n : this chapter is a bit long but Levi is hereeeee , sorry for the bad writing ik but I hope y'all enjoyed.
Love you my ladies xoxo.

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