Chapter 4

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You woke up at the birds singing  you realised what you were doing here and what happened yesterday. "Oh shit I need to get back before that midget can find me " you said to yourself while going to the shops there to buy some blanket and other stuff cuz you won't throw the money you saved for Henry .

While you went to the clothes shop you saw a beautiful simple dress , it was literally perfect you checked the price but you didn't find the price ticket while you were checking the price you saw a young lady of the corner  of your eyes.

You turned to her and looked at her face " excuse me mam'selle do you know how much is this ? " you asked a brunette girl with short ponytail with weird glasses .

"Umm sweetie I don't work here but let me see " she said while taking the dress from you and pull it to the upside down finding for ticket .

"Ahh I found her " she sang while giving the dress to you .

"It's 5.99£ darling " she said while smiling.

"Oh shit that's hella expensive " you thought in your mind (and yes this price was very expensive at this time lol)

"Oh let me have it I will buy for you " said the glasses lady while taking the dress form you .


"Are you ok darling?" She said .

"Umm yes but how do you hear me ?"

"Haha , young lady you were thinking out loud " she said while laughing.

Ahhh not again this is literally the second time ughhhh .

After 5 secs the owner of the shop came and the lady gave him the dress to pay him .

After you stood froze for a min the lady gave you the bag , " here is the dress for you darling " she said while winking .

"Oh by the way what is your name darling ??" She asked you

"Oh I'm y/n , y/n l/n " you said while hand shaking her .

"Oh I'm hange Zoe , to be honest I am relieved for you imma tell you the truth , so I was walking with Levi and mikasa my friends and then I lost them now I rly can't find them anymore so the king ordered us to dress like a farmworkes to see how does those people living and-".

" wait what did you just say??!!!" You cut her off .

"That the king orde-"

"No no before this " you cut her again.

"Ahhh you mean my friends ? Levi and mikasa?? Ohh they are so cute you should know them " said hange .

"Oh shit shit shit " you said while grabbing your dress bag trying to get back home .

"HANGE WE HAVE LOOKED FOR YOU FOR AN HOUR!!! WHERE WERE YOU? " said a young lady with a short hair and a scar under hair eyes , I guess she is mikasa .

"Ohhh mikasa see my new friend y/-"

"Oh she is gone " hange said disappointed.

"You shitty glasses where were you ??" Levi asked hange angrily .

"Ohhh shortie I have missed ya look what I got you " she said while giving him a tea packs .

" a filthy black tea from those filthy shops Tch disgusting" Levi said while throwing the box on hange's head .

"Oww that hurts " hange said while mikasa was  patting her head and the continue walking till the castle .

A/n: the chapter is disgusting ik butttttt
I hope y'all enjoyed
Love you my ladies xoxo



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