Chapter 12

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You and Levi were on your journey back to Paris.
Y/n found herself staring at the pile of wood stacked neatly by the roadside. The wood seemed abandoned, but to her,it represented an opportunity, a chance to create something meaningful in a world where meaning was often elusive. An idea had struck her in the mind

"Let's take this back," y/n said, out of nowhere which made Levi jumped from his place

"What ?" Levi said looking at y/n finger that was pointing at the wood .

"I got an idea to do with it."

"Oh no please i hope it's not a crazy idea from you."

"You know what ? i will only take it because we are near to our destination so i guess i can say that you are lucky." Levi rolled his eyes while getting off from his horse to get the wood .

"What a gentleman."

"Shut up."

You laughed at his words , continuing your journey.


"We are here so , what do you want to do with this wood ??"

"Come with meeeeee."y/n grabbed Levi's hand running towards a similar place.

"Tch , can you stop sitting with hange please!"

"Shut up."

"Did you just told to the prince of France to shut his mouth up ?! Hah don't forget
who am i , woman."

Y/n rolled her eyes to see that they are here .

Upon reaching the hideout, they went together to their favourite place, the roof. The vantage point provided a panoramic view of the city,

"We can put it together here, Levi."
"So please Levi can you go grab a hammer and nails , oh and a mattress hah"

"I guess i know what you're doing."

"I will go to grab some flowers!"

"No lady you should stay here , i don't want you to get in trouble."

"Hey I'm not a chi-"

Levi dead stared y/n which made her to go and sit in her usual place looking at pinkish sky.

"i will stay your majesty." Said y/n mocking

"Good girl."

Y/n face flushed to the deepest shade of red but thank to god Levi didn't see her .

Y/n smiled about how her life is changing , and there are people whom helping her , though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes that she wished her family were next to her.

"I wished to know why mr Ackerman loves to sit in this place and with whom."

Y/n eyes widened, it was a voice she heard but she can't remember when .

Armin ? No not armin and mikasa's voice is softer than this.
Y/n gave up , titling her head to see who's standing behind her .

"Hey y/n."
It was the green eyed guy whom was with that floch man who killed mr Henry, what could he possibly want ?

"excuse me ? How do you my name ?"
The green eyed guy went to sit on the roof poles.

"Haahhh armin and hange never stopped talking about you !"

"And how do you know my place ?"

"Ahh y/n don't act dumb like i didn't see you jump from roof when i went to tell Levi about his mother orders."

"So you are the eren guy?"

Eren nodded outstretching his hand,
Y/n reached her hand trembling slightly shaking hands with him .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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