Chapter 5

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It was late at night , that was the same day you saw that weird girl "hange is her name I guess " you thought in your mind while heading back to the roof or to be more clear your place now .

While you were crossing the street you smelled something very strong, it was marijuana smell .

"Ew disgusting " you thought in your mind again . But then you heard footsteps but it's like not even a one person , it's giving three humans behind you .

You ignored the sound and started to fasten your steps .

But you felt a hand touching your shoulder, "hey there little girl wanna play a game with me ?" The creepy man said in your ears , you can smell the marijuana very strong coming out from his mouth .

"No thank you ".

"Why baby you should try me I bet you will love it " .

" I said no please stay away " you said removing his hand and continue walking.

After literally 2 sec of walking you felt the steps getting closer . You turned and hit the man with your leg in the balls and begin running,
But your speed wasn't that fast .

You felt someone hugging you from the back "oh you bitch , I didn't know you can hit that hard but guess I will take my revenge now " he said while smirking.

The two men came and one of them covers your mouth not to scream , but you bite his hand  but the other one was faster and put his hand on your mouth again. Tears formed in your eyes , trying so hard to run from them

You tried to scream and asks for help ,"aww be quite ba-" you felt like nothing behind you , yoy tried to at the two men that they  almost touched you but you saw  them yell and run .

"Sir please leave me I won't do that again " the man begged him not to kill him or even send him to prison.

"Tch disgusting " you heard the other man said while you heard a gun shot , you knew that the man is dead now but you felt something weird about the other man like you have heard this voice before .

" hey brat are you okay " he asked you , you tried to look at him but it was hella dark and he was wearing something alike a hood and covering his face .

" yea yea thank you sir , you really saved me I owe you a one  one day "

You thanked him and headed back to the roof to sleep .


You woke up at the birds singing again
You really didnt sleep well because tou were thinking about what happened yesterday and who is this man that you feel like you know him .

You went to grab a bottle of water to clean your self  and went to the work .
You were walking to work while remembering mr Henry and how he was like a father to you , your eyes teared but you didn't notice that . Your eyes saw a man with a tall white hair and pale skin standing in front of the farm , he looked new to you ,

"um excuse me sir but who are you , I haven't see you here before?" .

"Ohhh hey young lady i guess you are y/n right?"

"yes but how do you know me ?"

" oh sweetie I'm mr Phillip the new owner here , mr Henry advised me to protect you , you know after he is gone "you can see the sad look on his face .

"But I hope you accept that y/n"

"No no I swear I will accept it , sir it's my honour that you want this .".

After your talk with mr Phillip   he is quite a good guy and funny sometimes .  After your long walk at was almost the sunset time , you are so tired and hungry too so you went to the bakery and got a piece of bread to eat .

You ate your bread and continue walking to the roof to get a relaxing time with yourself watch the sunset .
After you did go to the roof you inhaled a big breathe smelling the clean air with a cold breeze in it . You were daydreaming about how you would live with your parents without those disgusting men who rule the country.

You woke up from this dream by someone is talking beside you ." What the hell are you doing here brat ?".

A/n : gosh I really need to study for my exams but I want to write at the same time . So sorry for being late and I hope you enjoyed it ,love you  my ladies xoxo .

Irene .


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