Chapter 11

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Your sit with hange and her mother or what we can say your aunt was very nice , you felt that a piece of your family is back again , you never wondered that you would have an aunt and cousin .


"Okay that your uncle chirs and that your father but he went for a mini trip for his work , and for my family this is my sister m/n ". As you heard that your heart fell in your stomach, seeing the lady pointing at a half chopped picture, you wondered if it's coincidence or not without feeling what's happening with your body
You were sweating so hard and shaking looking at the picture with wide eyes .

"OMG Y/N SEE MY MOM LOOKS HERE THE SAME AS YO- what the hell is happening" hange looked at you crying , thinking if it's a "good tears or a bads one".

You were about to fall on the floor but levitating held you back."what in the eiffel Tower is happening?!".

"Hange go to kitchen and you will find a bottle of honey on the spices shelf ."
Hange's mom said while grabbing a cologne and spraying it on her hand
Making you sniffing it .
"Here!" Hange said giving her mom the honey with the spoon it , "hey i guess it would be better if we went and sat on the couch because Levi hands aren't a thing " hange said laughing looking at Levi
"Shut up imbecile that's not the time to joke !"

"Hey but she's right we should go to the couch though. " Hange's mother told Levi and her daughter ignoring the fact that Levi's hand started to hurt him .

After fifteen minutes sharp you woke up to see hange running hugging to you " oh gosh I thought you were dead " hange said crying while hugging you hard close enough to broke your chest . "W-what h-happened gghh i-i cant b-breathe" you said trying to remove her hand from your body "careful hange stay away from her she's tired !!" , "oop sorry " she backed off from you finally letting you alive before she was about to almost kills you .

" i- ehm " you tried to clear your throat but it was extremely dry ,"h-hey can you hand me the water ?" You took the water from hange's mother giving her a thankful look
She smiled and nodded at you
Waiting for you to finish and explain what happened.

You begun to talk looking at hange's mother in faith of her answer , " tell me Mrs zoe , do you where is the other half of the picture?" She looked at you saying that her sister has the other half but she passed away without knowing where it is .

Hange looked at y/n in confusion with her mouth wide open , she finally connected the threads together jumping from her place hugging you again tightly, both of you were crying in happiness while levi and mrs Zoe were looking at both of y'all in amazement.

" okay can someone explain what the hell is happening ?" Said levi to you and hange's in his usual sleepy face .

You picked up your bag from the floor searching for the picture that never left your bag .

You inhaled a big breathe looking at your aunt in happiness , " mrs Zoe or auntie" She started to tear looking at you getting what you meant ,

"here take this " you gave her the photo
She gasped at it while moving her head to look at the other piece of the paper .
She started to cry while taking you to her hug , hugging you a gentle loving hug that you needed at this time , it almost felt that your mother was hugging you .

Levi looked at hange giving her "is that true" looks , she nodded and is lips cracked to something close to a smile
looking at his tea cup .


You were talking with your aunt about what happened after your family moved to another city and how they died painfully from starvation, etc.

You and Levi looked at each other and nodded, both of y'all stand up looking at hange and her mother , Levi cleared his throat and looked to the lovely mother and her psychopath daughter " so , me and
y/n we will get going , hange you stay here with your mother as long as you want and i want you not to go to the château ever until i tell you when " he grabbed his bag after talking with hange and hange's mother went to hug him , " wait mum no , levi is not a hugger pe-" you and hange looked at Levi as he hugged your haunt back .
"Thanks for the tea mrs Zoe it was excellent!"
"Shut up tea lover " you hit hange with your elbow "OW that hurts."

All the people in the room laughed together
You went to hug your aunt while still can't believe that she was the woman on the other piece of the picture.

"Thank you so much auntie, so happy that i met you " you cried in her arms as she hugs you tightly "thank you y/n a-and Levi
For letting hange to find us i-I'm really thankful , our house is always welcome for both of you " you and Levi went to the doorstep
"Don't worry auntie we will visit y'all soon "

"Please darling i want to see you again , and your boyfriend too." "MUM THEY ARENT A COUPLE!!" "Oh my bad sorry but y'all look like you would do a sweet couple."



You laughed while side eyeing levi to see him blushing , you moved your eyes at its original place and cleared your throat " so we will get going now."
"Oh hey y/n , take my horse " hange offered but Levi answer was quickly before you can even talk "and how are you going to get back when i tell you missy?"

"Oh right , then ride together safe." She smiled to Levi and winked to you ,
You threaten to kill her with your hands .

After the long goodbyes both of you made it to the horse " didn't you see how she shipped us together!?" You teased levi while he was helping you to sit on the horse, "Tch that something real from her" he muttered under his breath.
"Pardon me , what?"
"I said that's something eww from her." He didn't know that you could hear him .
You agreed to him , while both of y'all are ready to get back to Paris .


A/n: sorry for being extra mxtra fxtra late 🥹

A/n: sorry for being extra mxtra fxtra late 🥹

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