Chapter 7

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You woke up from your sleep just realising what happened yesterday and how like "Levi Ackerman " was so peaceful with you not like the others .
After a deep overthinking about what happened yesterday you just started to get going to your work as usual.

You were walking humming the same lullaby you always hum , as you walking in peace you heard someone calling your name ,it's not like you cared actually but you kept hearing it . You looked behind you just to see your best friend waving and screaming your name , a tall brownish hair man ran to hug you but you and him flew by mistake from how strong this hug was .

"Y/N " the man said catching his breath.
"OMG PORCOOO " you said giving him the hug back . You couldn't believe that you saw porco galliard like finally you have been waiting for your friend to come from London .

"Oh gosh I miss you so much you idiot " .

" Me too poc, But when you came ?? Why didn't you told me , you know that I learned how to receive the letters ".

"Well I wanted it to be a  surprise ". He said wiping the little tear you shed , you didn't notice you were tearing.

" this is the best surprise ever bruh ".
" where were you going ?hmmm to see your lover ?? WAIT what if you have a lover and you didn't tell me " he said making himself cringe as he could cuz he love teasing you .

"You idiot I'm going to the work ".

"Oh I'm sorry about what happened to Henry , someone told me what happened anyways who is the new man ?"

"Oh it's mr Phillip, he kinda at the same age as him , he said that they were friends and he is kind tho ".

"OMG , how can I forget to tell you ".

" What poc say it already ".

"I have a lot of tea ".


"I'm telling you now you idiot "

"Oh okay well she is a girl I met her and  you know " .
"Eh something like that but ..."
"But what ?".
"Her name is pieck Finger and she is from the aristocrats class and you know I'm poor heh ".

"Oh , well porco do you love each others ?"

"Yes we confessed to each others and she said that she likes me back .."

"Well it doesn't matter from the classes it matters if y'all really like each others or not " .

"Thanks y/n I was worried about this problem "
"Well y'all hooked up ?"

"Y/N WHAT " you saw porco blush for the first time . " Awww I didn't know that you are so cute while blushing "
"Well y/n please stop ". He said while you were still laughing. You both walked and kept talking about the conditions and blah blah blah . Until you stand in front of the farm gates.

"Ohhhh y/n good morning how are you doing today " you saw mr Phillip says while having his kind smile on his face .

" I'm good , fine and alive heh thanks to god ." You said while noticing that porco was side eyeing mr Phillip .

"Oh y/n you didn't tell me you have a boyfriend." The kind man said to you ignoring poc stares .

"Pfffff imagine having a boyfriend like him " you kept laughing. " no mr Phillip this porco galliard  he is like my brother that my mom didn't have birth to , porco this is mr Phillip the farm owner " you said and looking at porco and you saw that he is still giving the man creepy side eyes . You went to drink water

" well lay a finger on her and you will regret it "  After you heard this you spit the water from you mouth .

"Ahaha don't you think that I'm so old for that ??"
"PORCO HE IS LIKE MY FATHER JEEZ " you said coughing for the water you chocked .

"Well nevermind you old man "

Time pass after you finished working , it wasn't that hard because porco helped you a lot . You were walking alone in the streets  because porco said he was going to get sth from the mail or whatever, and you were just looking at the people in there . You were cut of from thinking until you felt someone behind you .
"OMG Y/N I FINALLY FOUND YOU AGAIN BAE " you titled your head to hange hugs you , you couldn't catch your breath it was so hard although hange's hugs were good . "Ahhh y/n meet my friend here ,armin arlert " you handshake with a young blonde man , he was pretty tall tho . "Hey Armin im y/n " .
"Hey it's nice to meet you " .
"Eww too formal anyways so y/n you should come with us "

"Where ? " ." We are going to a cafe in here CUZ WE ARE EXPLORING ALL THE CAFÉS TO FIND THE BEST CHOCOLATE CAKE " hange sang and danced while grabbing your hand to come with her .

"Is she always like that ?" You asked armin . "Well she always take one of us to find the " best chocolate cake ever " like last time she took mikasa , I guess you knew her from the last time, cuz hange talked about you so much like you were her lost best friend."
"Ohhh I get it now "

After running after hange you finally entered the café . You were shocked by the good smell , it was your first time to enter a café , you heard a lot about it but you didn't try to enter it .

"Omg lets goo there is a free table there , she is waiting for ussssss" hange said with a loud voice making all in the café to look at you all , you and Armin have the people "we don't know her look " and then you two sneaked to sit with her .

"Well then we- " hange was cut off by someone Brust the café door open making a loud voice . You looked at that person to see Levi .
"Hange . Where were you ?? I have been searching for yo- oh , hey y/n ".

"Hey levi , how are you doing ." You just looked to each others like you have never saw you both .

"I'm fine ,you ?" He said answering you question.
"Oh I'm fine heh " you said feeling so awkward . "Good to hear " he said softly while cracking the end of his lips in a smile.
You felt something In your stomach like you want to throw up butterflies. After that you found him grabbing hange from her collar shirt on the floor and he gave you a good bye look . " see you soon y/n " armin said smiling and looking at you with his beautiful blue eyes just as the ocean .
"Bye Armin " you felt so happy that you made a new friends but something felt weird about Levi like that feeling isn't like friends anymore.

A/n : SO ITS MY FIRST TIME TO GO OVER 1k WORDS AND IG THAT NICE . Sorry for being late and I'm honest with y'all I was so lazy to write 😀 so anyways I hope y'all like the chapter and enjoy it my ladies xoxo .


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