Chapter 6

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"What the hell are you doing here brat ?".

You heard a voice saying this behind you , but something felt weird like you have heard this sound before . You moved your head to see who's there .

"What do you mean ,I was here before you came ?!!" You said with your boldness ass attitude , and regretting this at the same time after you felt his hand grabbing your neck and choking you on the wall .

"Tch cut that attitude already, you know it's not your first time to talk to me like that but I'm so lucky to see you again I will take my revenge now " he said while choking you harder , your eyes started to water , you couldn't breath at the moment .

He let you as you started to cough and trying to  breath again, you almost died , you started to rub your neck gently from his hands mark on your neck .

"Pff what is the revenge huh ?"

"Maybe I would kill you !"

"Then do it , I don't have any problem with this but think about it ? You are going to kill me just for words I said ?! This is so ridiculous "

"Then what if I won't let you eat anything for two days ? " he thought that your are right if he killed you just for stupid words then he thought of this dare .

"Whoa you think that this would kill me mr ackerman, actually I haven't eaten since before yesterday, and I'm used to it don't worry ."

"Why would I worry about you ??"

"I don't know I just felt to say it-"
"By the way back to our topic what are you doing here ?"

"This is my place sir ? Got a problem?"you said to him while you both saw the sun moving away .

"Tch that was my favourite place to watch the sky brat !" He said while putting his hand on the roof fence.
"You know if any body saw us especially hange , we would die ".

"Wait hange Zoe ?" You asked him looking to his face .

"Mmm yeah I guess she was you , the girl that hange met " he answered your question still looking at the sky .

"She is cute tho , you are so lucky to have friend like her "
"Yea she looks cute but she is so reckless with a crazy Brain "

You both stayed in silence, the atmosphere was thick and you were so nervous and thinking about how he is so peaceful with you not like any other one like him .

"It's beautiful isn't it ?" He asked while looking at the pickish sky .

" Levi ?? Sir are you here ?" You heard a man voice you reorganised his voice he was the one with the bun and talking with the flock man at mr Henry accident.

"Yea eren I'm here what do you want ?".

" well madame ackerman was searching for you sir she said that she needs you ".

"Ok eren I'm coming just go ".

Eren footsteps just went away from the place . "Ah that was so close ,where are you brat ?"

"I'm here " you said while you were getting up from the window that was out of the roof fence .

"How the fuck you managed to get there , Tch need a hand ?" He asked you still can't believe that you jumped out of the fence .

"Yea please help " you grabbed his hand as he pulled you up and letting you down .
You were catching your breath when you saw him lighting a cigarette.

"Ah no  cigarettes are bad for lungs don't waste your life " you said while grabbing the cigarette from him and throwing it away .
You felt his eyes looking at you , you look at him he was giving you a death stare , like he want you dead now .

"Tch who are you to say that ?" He said while seeing red .

"I'm y/n , cute name right ? Ik AND I'm not supposed to be your mother or your sister even your girlfriend just to warn you of that " you said while ignoring his stares to you .

"Tch whatever it's late brat you should sleep and I will get going , night "

"Night mr-"

"Just call me Levi ok ?"

"O-ok Levi , Night " you were very confused from what he said like he treats you like a friend of his .


A/n: ITS BEEN A WHILE LIKE SO MUCH TIME PASSED. I'm so sorry I was on quizzes and I caught a cold so I wasn't in the good mood so yeahhh . Hope y'all enjoyed it love you all my ladies XOXO.

I just felt to put this cat photo not Levi BECAUSE SHE IS SO CUTE

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I just felt to put this cat photo not Levi BECAUSE SHE IS SO CUTE

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