Chapter 11

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"How is she settling in?" Wyll asked me as the others were asleep and she was getting used to where we were.

"Doing her best, I guess," I said, putting my book down. "One thing we have to do is take care of her engine."

"Why's that?"

"She can't touch anyone without burning us. I tried touching her back in Avernus and it was just too hot to handle."

"Zariel really did a number on the two of you."

"She's just a fucking mess to deal with," I sighed, remembering the many years of torment I was put through. "We both had it rough with her."

"I hope you two can get along so you two don't rip each other's throats out when we have to fight anything."

"We'll be fine, Wyll. Don't worry."

"There is something else I need to tell you."

"That is?"

Wyll was about to explain, but a portal opened up on the ground. I stood up and so did Wyll, the two of us walking towards it. Karlach saw what was going on and joined up with us in the center of camp. 

"What in the Hells?" I asked as someone rose up from the portal.

"Oh fuck," Karlach sighed.

"Shit," Wyll whispered.

Opening up her wings stood Mizora, a Cambion known to be working with Zariel. I had seen her around the palace when Zariel was talking to other higher forms of power. And Mizora was the one Zariel talked to the most.

"Well if it isn't Mizora," Karlach sneered. "I've taken more pleasant shits than you."

"Nice to see you too, Karlach. And you," she turned towards me. "Aren't you a familiar face?"

I stepped back while Wyll and Karlach placed themselves in front of me, protecting me from Mizora.

"Zariel will be happy to know that both her prized champion and her prized slave are together and alive."

"You lay so much as a finger on her," Karlach snarled, her tail lashing back and forth behind her.

"Easy, Karlach," Wyll said.

"Anyway, we had a deal, Wyll. Karlach is still breathing. Zariel sends her regards to you, by the way."

"You can go tell her to fuck off," Karlach said.

"You said devils only," Wyll said. "She's a tiefling. Not a monster."

"You clearly don't remember the contract. Clause G, Section 9: Targets shall be limited to the infernal, the demonic, the heartless and the soulless. Karlach meets the criteria by having no heart."

"Why are you even here, Mizora?" I asked, poking my head out from behind them.

"You really were the pathetic one Zariel prized so much. I can't imagine why when she had the most barbaric tiefling known to the Nine Hells by her side. She should have just made Karlach do your dirty work while she resorted you to being nothing but bait for the Blood Wars."

"She basically did," I said.

"And yet you're still breathing. I bet Karlach had something to do with it."

Karlach pulled her lip back, bearing her fangs at Mizora, "You never answered Y/N's question."

"So her pet did have a name?" Mizora chuckled arrogantly. "Well, since Wyll and I had a deal and he did not fulfill it, I have to punish him."

A circle of flames appeared around him. He grabbed at his chest and knelt onto the ground, the flames engulfing him.


By now everyone was awake and wondering what was going on. Once the flames ceased, there were large horns on Wyll's head. They were more impressive than any tiefling's I've ever seen. Even more impressive than any deer's rack. Mizora smirked at Wyll as she opened up her wings.

"Until we meet again, Wyll," Mizora said, descending down into the portal and it closed up.

The others rushed towards Wyll and I knelt beside him, making sure he was ok. Other than Shadowheart, he was also the first friend I had made since I came here. We've been through a lot together so seeing this happen to him made my heart ache and my anger towards Karlach rise. Standing up, I turned towards her, a look of guilt on her face as she stepped away from the situation.

"Karlach," I walked towards her.

"L-Look, Y/N," she began.

"You're the reason Wyll now looks like a devil! You're the reason why he has horns on his head!" I snarled at her, baring my fangs at her.

"Y/N, look, can we talk about this without everyone here?"

I reached up and smacked her across her face. I didn't care if I got burnt slightly. The minimal contact meant nothing. She reached up and rubbed her cheek, her eyes widening with fear.

"Maybe I should have let Wyll kill you! Maybe then he wouldn't be like this and I wouldn't have to deal with seeing you all over again! With Mizora, Zariel is probably going to catch wind of us being together. Hells, she might send devils after us and drag us back to Avernus."

"She can try," Karlach mumbled. "I am not going back without a fight."

"That is if I don't kill you first," I said, grabbing my sword from its sheath.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Halsin put himself between us. "Lower your weapon, Y/N."

"Maybe if I kill you, I can persuade Mizora to tell Zariel I'm going to keep my freedom. Or even I can have the pleasure of telling all of Avernus I killed Zariel's champion. How do you think that would go? I might not get the luxury you had, but at least I will hold power over Zariel's head."

"That's enough, Y/N!" Halsin said, grabbing my blade and shoving it aside. "Just a minute ago you were at peace with Karlach, now you're going after her like a rabid animal going after their prey."

"Do you see Wyll? She's the reason he is that way now!"

"You were the one who told me I wasn't a monster to him. So you had a part to play in this as well, Y/N," Karlach said. "So don't put all the blame on me."

"I am going to blame this entirely on you since I could have let Wyll go by himself. I could have let him kill you if I stayed. Maybe I should have stayed here and not have gone with him. Then at least I won't have to deal with you anymore. I can finally be free from you," I hissed, sheathing my sword and walking towards my tent, opening the flaps and closing it tightly, laying down for the night.

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