Chapter 16

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Resting for the night, dark gray clouds rolled in and as we were setting up camp, droplets of rain started to cascade down onto us. It felt nice since it was pretty warm the entire day and it was a way to cool us off, especially Karlach. Once she was finished setting up her tent, she was out and about, relishing in the rain as it touched her hot skin. Steam started to come off of her skin, a small chuckle escaped her lips as she was dancing and running around, just enjoying the rain. Enjoying life. Enjoying her freedom. I couldn't help but smile, admiring how much she enjoyed the freedom she has and not even worrying about the combustable engine in her chest. She was something. A different tiefling from the one I remember in Avernus.

That Karlach followed orders. Did as Zariel told her. If she was given an order that went against her moral compass, she still did it, even though I knew deep down she regretted every action and would walk away with a heavy heart. That was before Zariel put the engine in her chest. I couldn't imagine how tough it is for her, knowing that her heart is replaced by a machine that is a ticking time bomb just waiting for that last grain of sand in the hour glass to reach the bottom. She knew that more than anyone that she was running on short time and I think it scared her most of all. But she hid it behind her bright smile and fiery eyes that could ignite any campfire.

The Karlach I remember always had a scowl on her face. That if anyone dared to look at her the wrong way, they would meet the end of her axe. And it wasn't the handle. When I was working beside Zariel, there would be rumors whispering about the devils and imps she had there. They all spoke of Karlach as this large tiefling that could rip any one to shreds if she felt like it. They painted her as a bully type of a person, always looking to pick a fight and always looking down on the inferior. If only those devils and imps could see her now.

The different Karlach that I get to see. The side of Karlach that was always there, but was never able to come out due to Zariel. The side of her that she had to suppress in order to survive in Avernus and even on the battlefield. If only we were friends back in Avernus and we were living different lives than we were living there. If only we were given a better life. But enough of the past. Time to look forward and live in this moment. If Karlach's life is going to be short lived, I might as well get to know her before her time is up. But what if I don't want her to leave? What if I want her to live like she was meant to? What if I could give her a live she always wanted?

What am I saying? A few days ago I wanted to rip her throat out for being the reason Wyll has horns on his head. A few days agao I was ready to send her back to Avernus because I held a grudge on her due to her pushing me through a portal with no explanation. I had such a hot and cold attitude towards her when she first came here and I think she was ready to burn me alive. And it only took me a few days to feel differently about her. To finally feel sympathy, hells, maybe even empathy towards her. I don't know how she did it. Maybe it was her personality that was what finally drew me to like her. Or it could be how she too suffered at the hands of Zariel and that is a common ground to talk about whenever there was a lull in the conversation and needed something to fill the silence. Perhaps it was herself. Her entire self. How she holds herself proudly and has a strong sense of morals and values.

Aside from that, maybe it was how her body had shown the years and years of resilience. How she was able to adapt and overcome the new changes in her body despite it being forced on her. The engine was the biggest thing she had to adapt to as it made her body scorching hot outside of Avernus. Not only was her engine the biggest challenge, but it was Zariel and figuring out her escape plan. How she was able to leave right underneath her nose and not get caught. As well as being adamant on not returning to Avernus, because who in their right mind would? Even though I was born and raised there, I still never considered it my home after my parents were captured by Zariel and later killed by her, only for me to suffer the same fate. Only, if I were to die here in Faerun, I would not want to be buried with my parents. I know it sounds awful to say that, but I don't want my body laid to rest in a place I considered my personal hell. I'm sure Karlach would feel the same.

What does Karlach feel? Her thought process on her life was what intruiged me the most and wanted to learn more about. How she had such a positive outlook when her entire life was nothing but fighting and experiencing bloodshed and loss. Although, in a sense, she was made for that when Zariel finally got her. I knew of Karlach's life during Avernus, but before, I knew nothing. That was another thing I wanted to learn more about. Her life before being Zariel's champion and how she lived her life before then as well.

Standing up, I stepped out from the cover of my tent. She was still dancing, trying to get the others to join her. The ones who had joined her were Shadowheart and Wyll. I am glad those two were able to look past everything so quickly. If only I could do the same. But, with time, maybe there is a friendship we can form. As I walked out into the rain and towards her, my heart started to beat faster and louder to where I feared the others would hear it. As I got closer and closer to Karlach, that was when I knew deep down inside myself, the reason behind why my heart beat so fast when I was near her.

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