Chapter 3

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Blood dripped down my back as I was strapped to a wooden pole in the center of the room. My wrists were locked to the pole and if I made so much as a peep or a scream, Zariel would hit me harder with everything she's got. Silent tears slid down my face as my forehead was pressed up against the wood, dripping onto the pants I was wearing. I was grateful she never went for the tail. That was the only thing she actually didn't dare touch since she knew that a tiefling's tail is the most sensitive part of our bodies. Actually, knowing her, I am surprised she didn't get that first.

Not only was my back in pain and it felt like it was on fire, my horns also felt pain as she had carved more words of infernal on them. If only I could see what she had engraved this time. When I first became her slave, she had engraved those words over and over until the entire front side of my horns said "slave" all over it.

"I had been summoning you for over an hour. What do I find when I come to get you? You're asleep on the floor!"

"I-I'm sorry, master."

"Sorry isn't good enough, Y/N. Do you think your parents hallow apologies made it through to me?"

"No, master."

"So don't give me that. Just do better next time."

"I promise I will do better, master."


I heard the whip smack against the flooring and her presence became known as she walked up to me.

"Clean up this mess."

"Y-Yes, master."

She removed the restraints from my wrists and I fell onto the ground. Every bone in my body didn't want to move and my back was screaming with pain. Slowly getting up, I grabbed the only shirt I was given and threw it over my head. The blood started to stain the entire back side and it dripped down my leg. Heading over to a small closet, I opened it up and grabbed what I needed to clean up the blood. Not to mention, clean up the whip and daggers she used. Zariel walked out of the room and as soon as that door closed, I fell to my knees and started to let out the sob that was stuck in my throat. I tried not to be too loud as I cleaned up the blood, but I was just in so much pain that with each stroke of the brush, it just made it worse.

Finishing up, I cleaned off the sponge and walked out of the room, heading to where Zariel was. I knew she was going to be in the war room. Once I reached the door, I knocked before entering.

"The blood is cleaned up, master," I said.

"Good. Now, you are to stand here as I look over the next course of action with the commanders."

Slowly and painfully walking towards her, I stood at her side, my arms behind my back. I felt the blood was starting to slow down, but it was still slipping down my back. The commanders walked through the door and they started to talk to Zariel. As I was standing there, I felt something was wrong with me. My vision was going in and out and I couldn't hear what they were saying. Standing was a pain and my breathing was starting to get heavy. Stumbling on my own two feet, Zariel snapped her head in my direction and I stiffened up, not daring to make any sudden movements. Slowly turning her head back to the commanders, she began to talk, but I couldn't hear anything that was coming out of her mouth.

The commanders were talking as well, but I could sort of make out what they were saying. Blinking, my vision was still going in and out. I had limited time to get everything situated before Zariel needed me for anything. Taking in deep, but quiet breaths, my vision was starting to focus in and I could hear them, but it was slightly muffled.

"Y/N?" Zariel turned towards me.

"Yes, master?"

"Hand me that map," she pointed to the one on her desk.

Carefully walking over to her desk, I grabbed the map and walked back over to her. She grabbed the map and went back to talking, but she turned her attention back to me.

"Clean the blood on the floor."

Turning my head, I found my blood was on the floor. There was a small puddle as I was standing in it. Groaning, I made my way to where I kept the cleaning tools. Grabbing what I needed, I returned to the war room and started to clean up the blood. Patting my back, I felt there was still blood slipping out. I grabbed my shirt and attempted to stop it by pressing it firmly against the wounds. Once I felt it starting to clot, I stood up and put everything back. As I was returning to the war room, my vision was once again starting to fade in and out. Leaning against the wall, I took in deep breaths, trying to regain my vision. My body gave out and I fell onto the ground. Trying to keep my eyes open, I failed at that.

Opening my eyes, I found myself to be in a room I was unfamiliar with. There was another tiefling walking around with a metal tray in their hands. About to get up, their tail came over and slightly pushed me down onto the bench I was on.

"Don't even think about getting up," they said.

"W-Where am I?"

"Infirmary. Usually Zariel reserves this place for her wounded, but she made an exception with you."


"She found you lying outside the war room in a pool of your blood. She brought you here and said you needed to be healed and quickly."

I let out a sigh, closing my eyes, letting my head fall against the bench.

"How long have I been here?"

"About a day now. You lost a lot of blood."

"I know."

"I am going to take my damn time with helping you get better."

"Why help me?"

"I see how hard you work. Both you and the Champion."

"You know the Champion?"

"I see her a lot since she is the one to get wounded heavily. She's reckless, but a strong one at that. Besides, you need your rest. So this is how you're going to get it."

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome."

"What can I do to repay you?"


"Please, I must."

"No. This is my way of saying thank you to your parents."


"Your parents helped me when I was in deep trouble back at the community we lived in. When Zariel tried to take me, they stepped in long enough for me to get away for a while. Unfortunately, I was still found and was brought here. But if not for them, I would have been the first one to be taken by Zariel."

I smiled, "I wish they could say 'you're welcome' to you."

"Just knowing their daughter is alive is all the more 'you're welcome' to me."

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