Chapter 2

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"The Champion has entered Minauros, master," I reported back to Zariel.

"Good. Now, you are free to head back to your cell. If I need you, you'll know."

"Thank you, master," I bowed to her, leaving the room she was in and headed to where my cell was.

I walked past other demons, devils, and imps that were walking around. The Champion and I were the only tieflings that Zariel used at her disposal. I think that's why she prized us more than the other devils. While the others were a strong race as well, there was something about us tieflings she admired. Maybe it was because we were lower than the demons and devils and had a humanoid appearance, making the enemy confused. I could never answer the question as to why the Champion was picked to be Zariel's prized soldier. However, I could answer that question for myself.

My mother and father were tieflings who lived here in Avernus. They were happy, carefree, and they valued other's lives over their own in some situations. If there were devils that were in need of help, my father would be the one to help them. He was well known in the small community we lived in. My mother was known to being generous to those who are not so fortunate and has always made meals for those who are in need. They instilled those ideals in me at a young age, but as the Blood War was started to reach Avernus, my father crossed the wrong devil and ended up at Zariel's palace. It wouldn't be long for her to find my mother. Telling me to flee, I fled Avernus and headed down to the lower plane of Dis. I should have gone lower because when I had reached my teenage years, Zariel found me.

She brought me back to her palace to witness my parent's downfall, putting me in their place and continuing to work until their debt was paid, which as I turned out, will never be paid off. I don't know what my parents did and I will resent the fact that I never got the truth from them, but a forged answer from Zariel. She told me my parents were stealing things from her and were going to use them to get me back and leave Avernus. Knowing them, I never listened to her. But after years of questioning and years of being tortured and tormented, I learned to keep my mouth shut and continue to work for her. I held onto very little hope of me ever repaying my parent's debt. I was going to work here until my last breath and that was the one thing I hated more than anything. I would never experience life as it should.

Opening the cell door, I closed it behind me and laid down on the wooden bench that was attached to the wall. I placed my arm underneath my head as I laid on my back. Closing my eyes, I tried to fall asleep, but with other devils screeching and carrying on, not to mention the air was stiff with heat, it almost made it impossible for me to fall asleep. But even the tiredest of bodies in the worst conditions can still manage. Feeling my body finally drift off, I felt the gauntlet on my right forearm buzz and go off. Growling, I sat up and walked out of the cell. Heading back to where Zariel was, I stood before her.

"You summoned, master?"

"Yes. I need you to transfer some important battle weapons to the portal. Afterwards, it'll be some gear."

"Yes, master," I said and headed down to where the forge was.

Finding the boxes that were labeled "Blood War gear", I grabbed them two at a time and headed towards the portal, which was on the other side of the palace. I like to think Zariel takes pleasure in seeing both myself and the Champion struggle. While I hated working for her ever since I was a young teen, it made me strong to where I can lift almost twice my weight. Maybe that's another reason why she prizes us so much. That we're strong and obedient. The minute I can, I am getting the hells out of here.

Setting down the boxes, I made my way back to the forge and to the portal. It was back and forth for what felt like forever until I got the last box. The devils there mumbled a thanks and I was about to head back to Zariel, but she was there.

"Good work, Y/N."

"Thank you, master."

"I'm going to need you do one more thing before you can rest for the day."

"Yes, master."

"Put these over the walls of the hallway where the Champion resides."

She handed me a large stack of papers and I nodded my head, heading in that direction. Taking a look at the stack of papers, I sighed as I knew this would take me well a good portion of the night. Opening the door to that corridor, I took in a deep breath and got started. I was right. As soon as I was finished, the sun was starting to come up, signaling a new day. I rushed to where my cell was and got settled in. I at least wanted to get some sleep before Zariel had something else for me to do.

Exhaustion took over my body and I just flopped onto the floor of my cell. My eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep with no issues. I dreamt I was flying, I was free, and I was in a place that wasn't constantly on fire and full of dying cries and screams of devils. A place where I could finally breathe in clean air and not cough up ash and soot. This was a place I wanted to go to. I wanted to be free from Zariel and actually have freedom and free will. A smile crawled on my face as I fell further into the dream, but as the buzzing turned into pain, I slowly opened my eyes to find Zariel was standing before me in my cell. Taking in a deep breath, I let out a sigh.

"You know where to meet me."

"Yes, master," I grumbled as she walked out of the cell.

I pushed myself up and sat for a minute before getting up, heading to the room I dreaded on going to.

A/N: thelightgod1103 had asked an important question regarding tiefling Y/N, and if they're based on off of the Zariel bloodline based tiefling or not. So I answered that I based tiefling Y/N kind of off of my own tiefling, but anyone can picture their own tiefling in this story. And so they asked if they could see my tiefling from BG3. So, everyone, here is my tiefling: Adelpha

They are a Mephistopheles tiefling with the Druid class and yes, I made them non-binary to match myself

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They are a Mephistopheles tiefling with the Druid class and yes, I made them non-binary to match myself. Now there is an extent that I imagined Y/N to look like Adelpha, such as the skin color. I imagined tiefling Y/N to have the red skin color, but as for everything else, you can fill in the blanks on what tiefling Y/N looks like based on if you have a tiefling character.

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