Chapter 23

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"How does it feel? To finally be able to touch people? I didn't really get to ask you that when we were in Baldur's Gate."

"It finally feels good to hold onto someone and not worry about them getting burnt to a crisp," Karlach smiled, turning to face me.

"I bet," I chuckled, remembering how she was after Dammon tuned up her engine. "I had never seen you that happy in a long time."

"Well living in the literal hells doesn't really bring happiness to those down there, unless they're the ones ruling down there. I'm sure Zariel found happiness in torturing every single devil, imp, and demon she could get her hands on. Tieflings included. I feel bad for the creatures down there who are still under her rule."

"Do you think there is a possibility to get rid of her?"

"There is, but that's a death wish."

"Did you have to fight Zariel at one point?"

She nodded her head, "Almost left me for death. If I wasn't her prized champion I would have been dead. But thankfully, I didn't die at her hands. I don't think my body would have allowed me to do so."

"Why's that?"

"I may have a bit of a stubborn attitude when it comes to dying. I am also stubborn as you know. So when I did fight Zariel, it was way before the engine thing. I was lying on the ground, bleeding out. Zariel had walked away to let me rot or get eaten by imps. I tried to get up so many times, but I just closed my eyes and hoped I would be eaten or bleed to death. But there was a voice in my head that said I need to get up. That I wasn't going to die at the hands of her. That if I were going to die, I'd die on the battle field or fighting against some great enemy, not the one who held onto the leash tied around my neck. So I got up, trudged off to where the only healer was, and was patched up. The only other tiefling that Zariel used," Karlach sighed. "I hope she's ok. Last time I saw her was before Zariel positioned me out of Avernus."

"I'm sure she's alright, Karlach."

"Well, we best be off to sleep now," Karlach stood up and stretched. "I'll see you in the morning, Y/N."

"See you in the morning, Karlach," I said as she walked off towards the small camp we set up.

"You're not coming to bed?"

"I'll be there soon."

"Don't stay up too late," she said and walked off.

I looked up and watched as the stars danced against the night sky. I remember when I was in Avernus with my parents, they taught me about the stars and constellations even though we couldn't see it. All we saw every day was ash and soot in the air. Breathing it in wasn't ideal either for young ones. That was the reason for the high mortality rate. I think my parents wanted to get me out of Avernus as soon as they could, but then Zariel came for us.

Well, more like came for my parents and the other tieflings that were with us. A tear slipped from my face as the memories of that day replayed in my mind. I hated Zariel for that and the minute I was captured by her, my hatred for her grew and grew. But I couldn't do anything. I think Karlach felt the same way about her.

How she'd give anything to kill Zariel with her own axe. If only she could without having to go back and risk getting caught and dragged back to working with Zariel. Just thinking about it makes me worried for not only myself, but for Karlach. Mizora knows about Karlach being here and with that, if Zariel does make it out of Avernus, she could potentially track us down. But if there is still fighting going on, that is buying us some time to get what needs to be done. Hopefully in that time, I can figure out a way to help Karlach with her engine problem.

Standing up, I walked over to where my tent was, which was facing across from Karlach's. She was already asleep, as her back was turned and light snoring was coming from her. I chuckled as I headed inside the tent, closing the flaps before settling in for the night. As I was sleeping, it must have been before the sun came up, but I heard a scream that was filled with noting but raw rage. I sprung upwards and rushed out of my tent. The screams were coming from Karlach's tent. Slowly walking towards it, I moved the flap back a bit.


She was sitting upright, her back hunched over, and her hands were pressed against her face.

"Why?" she whispered.

"W-Why what?"

"Why am I like this?"

I carefully walked over to her, sitting behind her. I reached up and placed a hand on her shoulder. It was hotter than it normally was, but still bearable to touch for long periods of time. She turned and faced me, a few tears sliding down her face, but with her heat, it turned into vapor instantly.

"Why am I like this, Y/N?"

"Like what, Karlach?"

"Strong. Barbaric. Zariel's fucking champion that took lives for her."

"It wasn't your fault."

"It feels like it is."

"Karlach," I reached over and grabbed her one hand. "What do you see?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your hand. What do you see about your hand?"

"Blood. I see blood on it. I see scars, too. My hand tightly wrapped around the handle of my axe. I see all the bad things my hands have done."

I reached over and placed my hand on top of hers.

"I see a hand that is troubled to carry the strength it has. I see a hand that is burdened with raging a war it had no say in, but only carried out its duties because if it didn't, it wouldn't end well. Karlach," I picked my head up and found her fiery eyes.

"I see hands that are battle hardened, littered with scars, but yet are soft and gentle when it is needed."

She reached over and pulled me onto her lap before falling onto her bedroll. I wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled into her neck.

"Thank you, Y/N."

"For what, Karlach?"

"For starters, not letting Wyll kill me. And for helping me. Along with also not killing me."

I chuckled, closing my eyes as I listened to the whir of her engine match the beat of my racing heart.

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