9 | Fireworks

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You were almost convinced time passes differently in places like the amusement park.

Before you knew it, the sky that was as clear blue as Satoru's eyes turned into a shade of orange tinged with purple as the afternoon sun slowly sets. It's still quite early, though, yet the sun is about to bid its farewell to this side of the world.

"Hey, let's ride the Ferris wheel now," Satoru said when he returned from heaven knows where, probably from another ride you couldn't be bothered to go so you let him enjoy himself while you stayed at the resting area with the panda stuffed toy as your company.

"You said you were saving it for the grand finale. Is it the grand finale now?" you asked, standing up from the bench.

"Well, sort of." Satoru looked up and you followed his gaze.

You wonder if the grand finale he was talking about includes the sunset by any chance. But you didn't spoil the possibility by voicing it out so you kept the almost silly thought to yourself as you followed Satoru to the Ferris wheel.

Standing at more than 100 meters tall, the Ferris wheel is one of the tallest in Japan and takes more than 15 minutes to ride. A tour of the sky in perfect timing. When you and Satoru stepped inside the sightseeing cabin, the ride started to move. The movement is gradual and you relish in the breeze gently caressing your face as you start to get farther and farther from the ground.

And then, halfway through the ride, your eyes found the afternoon sky. With its golden hour and mural painted by the heavens, your eyes widened at the sight of the sunset.

"So...pretty..." you found yourself mumbling those words, lost in the beauty of the heavens right at the moment.

You don't know if it was simply your surging emotion or it was the afternoon sun that made your face heat up. But it felt nice, the heat that made your cheeks burn the lightest shade of red while your eyes reflected the golden hour of sunset.

While you were adoring the mural in the sky, Satoru realized he couldn't take his eyes off you.

It was the first time he had seen you with such an expression, a pure childlike and innocent emotion on your face as you watched the sunset at the highest point of the Ferris wheel. Your face bathed in its golden hour, your eyes reflecting a million stars.

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