24 | Sunset

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You can't believe a lot of things could happen in a span of just one day.

No, in fact it's only barely even a day and on top of that, the year had literally just started and you feel like a lot had happened already. First, you got lost in the subway station you weren't familiar with. And then you met this stranger who was kind of enough to help you. The said stranger turns out to be a jujutsu sorcerer, or at least, he will become one.

And now, after exchanging names with that stranger, you found yourself sitting across from him and Satoru, inside a busy fast food restaurant that seems familiar to you because you've eaten in this kind of restaurant before with Satoru.

"So, are you from Tokyo or Kyoto?" Satoru asks in the middle of eating his burger while Suguru quietly sips his soda before putting it down.

"I live here in Tokyo."

"No, I meant which Jujutsu Tech are you attending?"

"Jujutsu..." Suguru muttered, his voice in a questioning tone before he continued. "Ah, I'll be attending Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College."

You let out a cough to hide the light and sudden laughter that almost escaped your lips when you heard him spell out the long name of the school while Satoru didn't dare to hide it as he practically doubled over with laughter that some people in the restaurant turned their heads at him.

"Come on Suguru, no need to be so formal about it. Just call it Tokyo Jujutsu Tech."

Suguru cleared his throat before he let out a smile, the same close-eyed smile that you noticed he often does.

"Wait, did you say you'll be attending Tokyo Jujutsu Tech?" Satoru asked after a moment.

"I was actually scouted last year. I'll be attending this year."

You were about to take a bite of your food when you suddenly stopped after realizing something. You looked at the two sitting in front of you. In a few months, both of them will probably be eating in this same establishment, wearing the same Jujutsu Tech uniform, along with their other classmates, and you don't see yourself anywhere in the picture.

"Man, we're going to be classmates!" Satoru said, his excitement skyrocketing.

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