13 | Kiss

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Because you're my wife now.

Those words lingered in you for a while as you and Satoru continued to walk down the garden path. Then the silence engulfed you both, enveloping you in a feeling that is neither comforting nor awkward. The silence allowed you to repeat his words in your mind.

The binding vow you two shared during the wedding ceremony, to stay loyal and faithful, to never be infidel. It was the kind of vow that binds you both for the rest of your days.

You watched Satoru's back as he walked a few steps ahead. Until you stopped when you felt something cold fall on the tip of your nose.

It didn't take long for you to realize it was snowing. The first snowfall of the year reminded you of the first time you saw Satoru.

When you two were thirteen, on the first snowfall of the year, you visited their estate with your parents. And when you first saw him, you thought, his eyes are like the clear blue sky and sapphire ocean meeting in a singular orb of the bluest eyes you had ever seen on someone.

And now, exactly three years later, you witnessed the first snowfall of the year with him. When you looked up, there were still dark clouds hovering above, the sun showing no sign of ever returning for the day. As you outstretched your arm, a snowflake fell on the palm of your hand before it melted.

"Fascinating," you muttered, prompting Satoru to stop walking to look back at you. Only then did he realize that it's snowing.

"Snow fascinates you?" he asked and you let out a hum in response.

What fascinates you is how every snowflake is different from each other, they're uniquely their own. There are no two snowflakes with the same pattern, which makes snow fascinating.

"Let's go back, it's getting colder," Satoru said dismissively, turning around.

You watched as he started to walk again, his hands inside the pockets of his hakama. As the snow continued to fall gradually like time slowed to a lull, you found yourself catching up to Satoru and calling out his name which made him stop abruptly again.

"There's something I want to give you."

He doesn't look like he's interested in anything you will give him. But he waited for you to continue. Your hands are empty, you carry nothing that could be considered a gift. Satoru averted his gaze to look at you and he raised an eyebrow, however slightly.

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