26 | Chocolate

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You wondered why there were so many heart decorations outside.

And then you realized it's February. You may have been raised in a traditional household but you know very well what people celebrate at this time of the month, not that you ever cared. So it wasn't that surprising that you would have forgotten all about that special occasion.

"Ah, there you are," Satoru said when he saw you, sounding as though he had been looking for you for quite a while.

"What is it?"

He settled on the spot beside you, as you sat on the couch in a prim and proper way while holding a cup of freshly brewed matcha tea, Satoru had taken it upon himself to sit in a way totally opposite of the way you sit. With his arm sprawled on the headrest of the couch, he rested his leg on top of his knee, before leaning back comfortably.

"I was just wondering where you wanna go on Valentine's."

That's right, you thought to yourself, the reason why there were so many heart decorations outside, in public places, was because it's almost Valentine's Day.

When you heard what Satoru said, you stopped midway from taking a sip of your tea before you put the teacup down and looked at Satoru.

"Why?" you asked, watching as Satoru leaned forward to take a piece of dark chocolate on the coffee table before leaning back and looking at you.

"What do you mean why?" he averted his gaze from you to examine the chocolate before he shrugged his shoulders and took a bite of it.

"I thought I already made myself clear last time. Before you leave, you can decide where we will go on dates. So why are you wondering where I wanna go?" you lifted your cup, but before taking a sip you added, "I'll go wherever you want to go. It doesn't matter where or when, as long as you're happy."

You finally took a sip of the matcha, closing your eyes for a moment to relish in its natural sweet nutty flavor followed by the bitter yet savory note. You let out an inaudible sigh before putting your teacup down.

Just as when you did, barely opening your eyes, you felt a hand cup your face followed instantly by the feeling of soft lips on top of yours. The kiss was light and swift and chaste, yet you were able to get a taste of the dark chocolate Satoru just had, along with the matcha you just drank that left such a complimentary aftertaste in your mouth as he leaned back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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