15 | Morning

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You are well-aware that you are not someone who tosses and turns in their sleep.

If anything, you don't often move in your sleep. You would remember falling asleep on one side and waking up the next morning on the same side of the bed. And even if you toss and turn, it would only be because you had a nightmare. But you don't remember waking up from a nightmare.

You do remember sleeping on your right side, and when morning came, you're still laying on your right side. But as you are stirring from your slumber, you can feel something heavy on your back.

You thought at first that you were having sleep paralysis and a vengeful spirit is trying to strangle you in your sleep. Not to mention, it's not just the weight but there's something wrapped around you as well.

You grunted as you tried to move, but your movements were inhibited by the vengeful spirit. Unless it wasn't a vengeful spirit you can just exorcise first thing in the morning.

It was none other than Satoru who had his arms wrap around your body, his full weight on your back.

If this is what people call spooning, you don't like it at all. But you don't really dislike it either. You do like the warmth, Satoru's embrace is more comfortingly warm than the comforter. His weight may have been preventing you from moving around but you don't exactly dislike it either.

Yet what you didn't like was the fact that you can hardly move. And you're not exactly used to waking up with someone's arms wrapped around you like they're afraid to let you go. And it's not just his arms, you can feel something hard pressing on your back as well.

The realization of what it could have been made you wake up completely, the slumber vanishing from your system as you started to feel your face heating up, flushed with the lightest shade of pink as you pulled the comforter up to your face, trying to think of a way to wriggle yourself out of this predicament.

Until you can't think of anything else but to call his name.

"Satoru, wake up," you said. "Wake up and let go."

You held his arms but you can't turn your body completely to face him. All you can do is crane your neck to the side to look at him.

"Satoru, please wake up."

When you tried to move, you heard Satoru grunt. He's so close to you that you can hear his voice next to your ear, which didn't exactly help the strange feeling you have and if anything, it only made the strange feeling even worse.

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