21 | Lost

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The sky that was dark earlier had completely changed into a magnificent blue color.

You see no sign of any dark clouds. There were, of course, white clouds hovering above. But the weather is as good as it can get. At least, during winter. It's still cold, you thought to yourself.

You've been standing there for quite a while until you heard Satoru finally coming out of the door and you were ready to release a heavy sigh when Satoru suddenly spoke.

"Hey, are you really gonna wear that?"

"What?" you asked, looking at what you were wearing. A traditional kimono, from head to toe, along with the wooden sandals. "I usually wear clothes like this, what's the matter now?"

When you avert your gaze back to Satoru, you realize he's wearing more modern clothes, like he usually does when you two go out. Neither of your choices in clothing suit each other. But you don't think it was the sole reason why Satoru asked you that question.

"We're going to visit the Shrine, a lot of women wear kimono when visiting Shrines on New Year," you reasoned out.

"I know, but aren't we going to commute?"

"And?" you asked.

"And, aren't you uncomfortable wearing that?"

"No, in fact I am perfectly comfortable wearing this." Since you've worn traditional kimono mostly in your life, ever since you were a child. You've been so used to it, to the sound of the wooden sandals under the wooden floor of the corridors and the familiar feeling of the fabric hugging your body perfectly.

"I doubt you can even run if there's a commotion in the subway station."

"Why would there be a commotion in the subway station?"

Satoru was the first one to let out a heavy sigh. "We both know you've never commuted a day in your life, so I'm telling you this as your concerned husband, go change your clothes."

You were about to say something, you were so close to saying it. Since when had he ever considered himself as a concerned husband. But you stopped yourself before instinct could make you say it out loud.

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