25 | Arcade

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Waking up and seeing someone sleeping soundly beside you is no longer as unfamiliar as it was before.

It's been over a month since you started living at the Gojo Clan estate, since you and Satoru got married, exchanging binding vows to keep for the rest of your lives. Although there are more times when Satoru would act as though you two are not married, rather, just simply two young people in a relationship living together, but not with the full commitment of a married couple. But you would find ways to remind him that you two are, however subtle or elaborate, married.

Everytime you try to remind Satoru that you two are married and have a duty to fulfill in ensuring the survival of his Clan, he would always deviate from the subject. After a while you decided not to remind him anymore, for now at least.

When you rolled on your side, the feeling of someone scooting closer to you from behind doesn't feel unfamiliar anymore as well. In fact, you started getting used to it more that the lack of such feeling would be unfamiliar to you now.

"Satoru," you called and you received a muffled hum from behind as you felt him move even closer, the sound of the duvet ruffling as he moved.

"What do you want to do today?"

After that New Year visit at the Shrine, when you and Satoru watched the first sunset of the year together, you made a promise to him.

Before he leaves for Jujutsu Tech, you two will enjoy your youth together. You promised to go on dates, amusement parks and arcades and eat at fast food restaurants like what young couples do nowadays. And you plan on keeping your words to him, so he will with his words to you once you ask him to promise you a few things.

"Today..." he muttered, voice still in a muffle, groggy from sleep. "If it's not too cold, let's go to the arcades."

"Arcades again?" you asked, turning around to face him, realizing that he loosened his hold around your waist so you would be able to turn around easier, and once you did, you came face to face with Satoru.

His eyes are still half-lidded as though he's barely awake, a small smirk resting languidly on his lips. You wonder how someone can look so good when they just woke up, but then again, you remember this is Satoru Gojo.

"We have a score to settle, remember?" he said, his voice still sounded groggy and a bit raspy, but the smirk that's playing on his lips is proof that slumber is no longer in his system and he's already wide awake to start teasing you.

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