Chapter Two

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argumentative, antithetical dream girl

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Days passed and Tessa found herself knelt before a stone, lovingly carved with roses bordering the edges. The snow was cold around her knees as always, but she endured it as she did every time.

"I miss you Roisin." She didn't cry, not even in the solitude of a misty morning, but she did reach out to grip the stone tightly. "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing," her voice shook. "Sometimes I hate myself for it. But I swear to you, I won't stop until I make it so that no one has to go through what you did. What we did. I promise."

She only came to visit once a year. Not on the day Roisin passed, but the day before. She wanted to avoid running into any of her remaining family, just in case. Just in case of what; Tessa wasn't sure. She didn't know if seeing Roisin's mother would have her bursting into tears or if she would lose control and meet her with violence. Violence for not being like Alva, for not protecting her child with everything she had.

"I wish I'd had a chance to know you better. To share my secrets with you and have you share your burden with me." Their friendship had been strong and powerful for both of them, but fleeting. It was a gift granted only by the small passage of time they'd been given free from their shackles during the conflict with Koschei.

They were mere children, sixteen when the war with Koschei really kicked off and the fighting began. It was one of the longer running wars in recent history and it meant that the Illyrian forces were called in for aerial support. When the High Lord called and the war camps answered it meant that most of the males aside from those who were not yet warriors went to the front lines—and left the females in peace.

It was truly fortuitous for Tessa because it meant she had time unrestrained to learn from her mother, from her books and to train without anyone noticing she was absent. The war raged on for long enough that she learnt how to control her shadows, how to reign them in so tightly they were no longer visible, even when she was upset.

She also had time however when studying her books to make a friend. Roisin. Roisin was the epitome of the saying 'a lover not a fighter'. She was a sweet girl who liked to read romance novels and daydream.

Roisin was everything Tessa wished she could be, both then and now. She was kind and loving and not at all bitter like the young shadowsinger. Tessa imagined if she were more like Roisin she wouldn't be so lonely, would find it easier to make friends—any friends. Roisin would never have grown to be as horrid as Tessa was, as unapproachable and rude—she wouldn't have spat in the face of the most powerful family in the court. But then, maybe that was why Roisin wasn't here anymore.

Roisin was there when Tessa had her first bleed, managing to drag her home to Alva before anyone could see or notice the change in her scent. Tessa would never forget the panic she saw in Rosin's eyes that day, the way her eyes flickered between her wings and her agonised face as she collapsed in bed.

Alva however was so calm she didn't allow Tessa to panic. She mixed a tea to help Tessa sleep and ease her pain and then pulled out a jar of ointment for her to smear on her neck, wrists and the inside of her thighs. With a special brew of tea and the ointment combined, Alva managed to hide Tessa's scent. Both knew it could only be temporary, but it would buy them time.

Clipping was technically outlawed in Illyria but it was a law that went completely unenforced. More than half of the females in Illyria still had scars on their wings and no ability to fly. The percentage was only slightly less in Windhaven than in other parts of the mountains, but it was still incredibly prevalent and they both knew Tynan well. Knew what he would do when he returned home from war and figured out Tessa had come of age.

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