Chapter Five

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i can't make it go away by making you a villain

🌩️ 🦇 🗡️ 🌲 ✨

It didn't take her long to find out what Nyx Archeron had meant by 'next time'. All of a sudden it felt like that family were everywhere. She was enjoying a break with a cup of tea and a book in the corner of her workshop when she felt him appear next, a week since she'd seen him last. His power was like a black hole trying to draw her into its darkness.

She glanced over her book as he walked in, a deeply unimpressed look on her face.

"Good morning, oh glorious heir." She said sarcastically. "What can I do for you this time?"

He laughed, those damn dimples making an appearance. Why did her body have to decide she would be so damn attracted to this male and not any other? It was infuriating.

"Hello little fury." He smiled.

She arched a brow. "Again with the nicknames?"

He shrugged. "I'm just finding one I like. I think they suit you."

Tessa wasn't about to admit that one was her favourite so far.

"Again, what brings you here?" Normally she would have gone back to reading her book and simply ignored him but he was probably the one person she couldn't read smut in front of with a straight face so she dog-eared her page and put it to the side.

He shrugged. "I came to see you."

Did he not To do? She knew there was some work involved in being the High Lord's son. She decided to ask him. "Don't you have duties?"

"Here and there." He shrugged. "Luckily I can decide when I attend to them." The for now went unspoken.

"Ah," she stood up from her chair. "The benefits of nepotism."

He rolled his eyes. "You're reading a book in the middle of the day." He pointed out. "Clearly I'm not the only one who works when they want to."

Tessa shrugged, rubbing the kink out of her neck. "If the work is done, it's done." She stretched her wings out a little and noticed his gaze following their movement.

"I know they're pretty but you don't have to stare." She smirked, stepping closer to him. She could see his wings twitch, almost as if he wanted to stretch his own out in response and she laughed. Cute.

"Would you...would you like some tea?" She didn't know what prompted her to say it and almost immediately she wanted to take it back. Unfortunately he nodded, a slow smile stretching across his lips. What had she gotten herself into? She tipped her head toward the staircase, collecting her mug and making her way up to her humble abode.

Her workshop was simply the bottom level of her cottage-it was almost a split level really. Up a small staircase and to the back was her living area. A small sitting room with a fireplace and a kitchen in one, a bathroom and her bedroom. It had been tight when she was growing up-Tessa having to sleep in the sitting room-but now it was just her, it was almost cozy.

She'd had to change all the decor around, make it look as different as possible so she could exist here. As much as she'd wanted to move, there was no way she'd be able to so she decided to suck it up and be grateful for a space bigger than most in Windhaven had-four solid walls and a roof, no less. It just meant sometimes she was haunted by nightmares, the familiarity no help in moving the memories along.

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