Chapter Seventeen

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karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter

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"Come on, Tess." She woke to Nyx nudging her awake.

"Wha—what time is it?" She yawned, blinking at the stream of sunlight coming in through his window.

"Almost lunch time." He laughed and she turned her head to find him fully dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed. She hadn't slept that long or that deeply in weeks. "Come on, we need to leave the bedroom at some point today."

She wrinkled her nose, shifting closer to rest her cheek on his leg, looking up at him. "I think need is an overstatement." She groaned contentedly as he scratched at her scalp. "See," she muttered tiredly. "Lets just stay here."

He laughed, pulling his hand away. "You have to eat something, you can't wait until dinner." He argued, coaxing her up.

"Do you have the day off?" She asked him, realising only now that he'd normally be out by this time. "You didn't have to stay." She chewed on her lip guiltily.

"What was it you once said to me?" He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that's right—the benefits of nepotism." He smirked.

"Oh. Shit." Her eyes widened. "I was supposed to meet Callisto and Gia." She threw herself from the bed, stumbling into the bathroom where he'd already filled the tub, steam rising off the water into the air. Callisto might have shown up to drag her out of bed if she knew where Tessa was—no doubt the girl had probably already broken into her house.

Nyx snorted. "I think they'll have figured out you're not coming by now."

She turned to him with pleading eyes. "Can you do your mind thing and tell Callisto I'm sorry and I'll meet them soon?" She waved a hand toward his temples.

"If I must." He pretended to heave a long-suffering sigh, turning to leave the bathroom. She bathed quickly, avoiding washing her hair so she could just throw it up in a messy bun and not catch a cold up in the mountain air.

Tessa threw on the underwear and a robe he'd left for her, stepping out into the main room where he was waiting. Reaching into what had slowly become her drawer, she pulled out a pair of tights and some socks, pulling them on. She could have thrown one of her own knits on or even just a shirt given the weather was warming slightly, but instead she reached into his drawer and picked out one of his sweaters in a deep blue.

She'd have to change into her leathers when she got home, but for now, she liked wearing his clothes. It felt like he was giving her a warm hug no matter how far from him she wandered. She was just finishing pulling her hair up when Feyre knocked on the door, smiling in surprise when she found Tessa present.

"We were just getting worried about where you were." She said to her son. Tessa had assumed Nyx had gone down for breakfast with his parents earlier in the day and then come back up but that must not have been the case. "It's nice to see you Tessa," Feyre smiled kindly. "Are you ready for Starfall?"

"I guess so." Tessa smiled shyly. "I picked up my dress the other day." She shrugged, "and I'll just ask Callisto to do my hair or something."

"We were a little worried you might not come." The High Lady said softly and Tessa wasn't sure what to say. She'd worried the minute Feyre opened the door and found her there, that she'd be pissed. If Callisto knew how much Tessa had hurt Nyx with her avoidance then his parents certainly did.

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