Chapter Four

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there's nothing like a mad woman, what a shame she went mad

no one likes a mad woman, you made her like that

🌩️     🦇    🗡️   🌲    ✨

Narben cut through bone and tissue as Tessa screamed out her frustration. After a slow few days in Windhaven she decided it was finally time to get in a proper workout and for that she shadowed to her favourite training grounds—the mountains where the Blood Rite took place every spring.

While reading books and spying on others could teach her a lot, even without someone to correct any errors in her technique, it wasn't the same as being able to put those moves into practice. Since she never really had someone to spar with - unless she picked a fight - Tessa found another way to test her mettle—the creatures in the mountains.

She was in her twenties and training in the Steppes the first time she was attacked. She survived, but only barely and after that decided to use the area to up her training. In time, she had moved onto the area of the Illyrian mountains where the Blood Rite was held, sometimes even camping there a day or two. The beasts were larger and more vicious in this area of the Night Court, but to her advantage there was no risk of anyone seeing her or discovering her skills as the area around Ramiel was closed the rest of the year.

Not warded—just 'closed'. She found it kind of hilarious that no one ever entered the valleys and conifer forests around the sacred mountain to explore simply because of a cultural belief. Oh well, it wasn't her sacred rite and it wasn't as if she was ever going to take it so Tessa didn't really give a damn about staying away. This was probably how she'd go out really—by one day biting off more than she could chew out here with a mindless beast.

She panted harshly as she withdrew her sword from the creature's throat.

The last few days Tessa felt like she was tiptoeing through life, waiting for the moment her carefully constructed house of cards would come tumbling down. Azriel and his shadows had been a steady presence around Windhaven during that time, though thankfully not near her. It had meant however, that she didn't dare stray too far from home in an effort to avoid drawing any attention to herself. The Night Court heir was one thing but she sincerely wished to avoid its spymaster.

A groan left her mouth as she stepped back and pulled her neck to the side, attempting to work out a knot in her shoulder. For all that she had spent the last few days resting, she had a migraine that just wouldn't abate.

She had to admit a few days to herself had done her some good. It had definitely lowered her blood pressure after the upheaval of the last week. She spent time doing her stretching and mind-stilling exercises, or in the bath with a glass of faerie wine and a good book.

If only this damn headache would go she could almost be happy.

Sighing one more time she rolled her shoulders back and wiped each side of her blade on the creature's fur, leaving most of the gore behind. Another soak in the tub was in her future, she thought, and the end of her current romance novel. Maybe even some wine—who cared if it was only mid morning? She had nowhere else to be.

Letting her shadows engulf her Tessa reappeared in her little living area above the workshop, already peeling off her leathers and heading for the washroom. She'd only just peeled off her pants when a heavy knocking sounded from the door below.

Closing her eyes, Tessa slowly counted to six. Letting out a breath of annoyance she quickly picked up a robe from her bedroom and threw it on as she stomped her way down the stairs.

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