Chapter 10: Back To School

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Ollie and Amelia spent a few weeks in Pittsburgh with Adam's over summer vacation and when they got back Emily insisted on a dinner Rory and Logan, all three kids, and all of their parents.

"This is gonna suck" Rory said

"It might be nice" Logan said. Rory gave him a look. "Ok, it's gonna suck"

"Remind me again why we're putting my grandparents in the same room again?" Rory said. Richard and Emily didn't tend to get along with Mitchum and Shira.

"My parents want to meet your kids. Your grandparents and your dad want to meet mine. It's been 13 years since they've all been in the same room" Logan said. "Plus it's better to do this now than at our wedding"

"Do what?" Oliver asked

"Your grandma and grandpa don't always get along with Rory's grandma and grandpa" Logan said

"Why?" Amelia asked

"I wish I knew" Logan said.

When they got there it was just Richard, Emily, Lorelai, and Luke. Nobody else was there yet. After introducing Oliver to Richard and Emily, the conversation moved to the wedding.

"Did you start planning your wedding?" Emily asked

"Not yet" Rory said. They actually did plan a little, but they didn't want to say that in front of the kids. They had a date and they booked a venue.

"They're taking forever" Ollie said

"2 months is not forever, Ollie" Logan said

"Yes it is" Oliver said.

"Oliver" Emily said

"What?" Both of them asked at the same time

"Rory's Oliver" Emily said. She refused to call him Ollie because it was a 'childish nickname' even though he was a child.

"You might have to give in and start saying Ollie" Lorelai said

"No" Emily said.

Over the next half hour Christopher, Mitchum, and Shira arrived. After a few introductions and regular conversation, Shira and about the wedding.

"Do you have any wedding plans yet?" Shira asked

"Not yet" Logan said

Dinner was mostly pleasant other than a few passive aggressive comments from Shira, which luckily the kids didn't pick up on. 


The night before the first day of school Rory and Logan were in bed. Logan was asleep but Rory couldn't. Amelia was starting kindergarten and she was still 4 which meant that she would be the youngest by far.

Around 2am, Logan woke up alone in bed. He went out into the hallway to find Rory standing in the doorway of Amelia's bedroom, watching her. "Ace, what are you doing?" He whispered

"She's just a baby" Rory said

"She's not" Logan said. "She might be your baby, but she's not a baby" 

"She's so little. Maybe she should go to preschool for another year" Rory said. Rory had put Amelia in preschool a year early because at the time she'd just gotten divorced and needed somewhere for Amelia to be while she was at work. But because she started preschool a year early, she would end up starting every other grade early.

"Look" Logan said and put his hands on Rory's shoulders. "You put her in kindergarten for a reason, right?"

Rory nodded.

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