Bring Me The Horizon // Jey Uso

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You sat in yours and your boyfriend's shared office, sprawled out across the plush, black couch. In your headphones blared one of your favorite bands of all time. You felt an undisturbed euphoria as the guitar strums and heavy drums vibrated your eardrums. A harsh smack jiggled your ass, stinging through your skimpy pajama shorts.

"Ack!" You squealed at the adorable sight of your boyfriend's beautiful face. "Don't scare me like that, Josh!" A warm smile broke across his face.

"My bad, baby." He chuckled, taking his place in front of you on the floor.

Josh's cocoa eyes trailed from yours onto your screen at the animation art that took up the small space, His lips pursing. "I don't know how you listen to that stuff. That...Metallica..?" He spoke, his terrible guess at the band you were listening to causing you to chuckle.

"Bring Me The Horizon." You corrected, sitting criss cross and beaming down at him excitedly.

"And listen," you started, removing your headset from off your crown. "This is a good song. Just listen." You inquired, sitting the headset on his curl-ridden crown and clicking the volume key twice. Joshua unintentionally beginning to headbang at the melodies.

My mind is a moshpit, think I might've lost it
Starting to believe there's only one way I can stop this
If pain is beauty, I'm a guillotine, yeah
You bring the match, I'll bring the kerosene

"Hmm." He hums as the song's melodies 'bless his ears' as you liked to call literally anything involving Bring Me The Horizon.

Let the gabapentin set in, suffocate me in my sleep
Adderall to wake up, Omeprazole to eat
Do not fucking look at me, paranoia got me peeved
They say they wanna help, but they always fucking leave
Leave me by myself, leave me DND
Leave me in the dark, leave me with these things
Tell me that you love me, I know all your talk is cheap
Baby, I'm a code mistake, I was never meant to be

As one of the sexiest songs in existence was nearing its close, your boyfriend remained furrow-eyed as his head banged to the melodies. That's just what a good metalcore song will do to ya. ;)

Time slips away, burn out, don't fade
Dance on my grave, I will never be them
I will never be them, I will never be them
I will never be them, I will never be them

The song shortly came to its end, leaving your blue-haired boyfriend in a soup of his own thoughts. Never in a million years did Joshua Fatu ever think he would enjoy a metalcore song...but there's a first time for everything, right?

"Soooooo," you begin, hooking the set on your neck and folding your arms over your chest. "What'd ya think?" His manicured eyebrows raising in bewilderment, absolutely confuzzled at his liking of this song.

"It was straight on." He said casually, nodding his head in approval. Your eyes lit up with excitement, this meant he would finally pass you the AUX!!

"FUCK YEAHHHHHHH!" You bounced up and down in your seat, kissing his lips much to his surprise. Before you could pull back, though, he caught you and pulled you onto his lap. Squealing once again, you straddled his lap.

"You're so beautiful." His whispered, admiring your ethereal features. You were absolutely perfect to him and he would remind you of that until you begged him to stop. Cocking an eyebrow at the octave in his voice, you brought your hands up to trail your fingertips down his neck. His neck being his absolute weakness, he threw his head back in pleasure as your warm hands trailed his exposed chest.

Catching your hand swiftly as it brushed against the hem of his gym shorts, he eased you closer to him.

"Careful, woman."

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