As Long As You Love Me// Roman Reigns

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In my Justin Bieber error 😚 think of this as 'Because I Chose You' but if it had a baby.


Roman stared into the sunset as his lengthy, raven locks blew in the Florida wind. His meaty back exposed as his partner in crime worked to patch up the various scars and wounds that tattered his beautiful caramel skin. He was beaten up, obviously. But this time it wasn't because a mission, but because of the love of his life.

That's right, he took a very bad beating because of you. But he loved you all the same. In fact, he'd never loved a girl as much as he loved you. Whenever Seth would mention going to your house, his heart would beam the brightest light as it thumped within his chest repeatedly. He loved you as if you were the very air that he needed to breathe, as if you were the last thing in this world that would keep his heart beating.

"Tough thoughts?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts. His best friend's voice. The very man that had to scrape his battered body off the concrete He nodded, deep brown eyes lazily blinking.

"I know what you're thinking." Seth spoke once again, continuing to clean small wounds that he'd avoided before. The small ones hurt worse. "You're thinking that you have a really huge decision to make. You either forget about her - which you won't - or you continue to be with her, a suffer more and more." Bingo. That is exactly what the bulkier man was thinking. He had to make a choice, though he already knew what choice he was going to make. It was you or you. There was no other option to him.

Roman nodded, meaty arms clenching as he felt the infamous sting of another alcohol-soaked pad touching his skin gently. "Now," Seth says, closing the alcohol as he pulls out a fresh black T-shirt from his backpack and sits it gently on Roman's cargo-covered lap. "You have to be logical about this. There's always a solution to these kinds of problems." He lectured, Roman listening to his best friend intently as his advice has never disappointed him. Ever.

Roman exhaled breath he didn't know he was harboring, hissing slightly as he lifted his arms to slide the T-Shirt on. "What do I do, Seth?" The big man's voice cracked, him feeling inevitably helpless at his thoughts. Being with you would be a deadly reverie - being with his dream girl while being punished to his near last breath for it. It was unfair but in this kind of world, fair was seldom. It didn't help that you were oblivious. It wasn't like some unknown man was the one causing his pain, it was your very own father.

He'd found out about how Seth and Roman would always run to you after his ambushes. Instead of making things known to you, despite them already being of your knowledge, he sent men to Roman. While Seth was helplessly watching his best friend be beaten to a pulp, you were wondering why Roman wasn't answering his phone.

"You tell her. Tell her everything, and then make her yours. Officially. We only got one life here and if there's anyone who deserves this kind of love, it's you, brother." Brother. Roman felt a jolt in his heart as he sat and listened to his brother's encouraging words. "Now, this may be stupid, and we may be in for a war. But, it's not anything new to us. We got each other." Seth spoke up once again, patting his best friend's shoulder in respect. Roman stood up, jaw clenched as he stared into his brother's chocolate eyes.

"I love you, man." His whispered, pulling the wide man into a deep hug. The two stood non the rooftop of their organization building, arm in arm as they stood protecting each other. "I love you too, bro. Now, go get your girl! I'll be here, tell me how it goes when you get back!" Seth exclaimed, ignoring the hairs standing up on the back of his neck, his intuition.

Roman roamed the dark urban streets, onyx colored hair tied lazily into a messy bun - a messy bun that you'd almost immediately take out. Nothing but thoughts of you coursed through his mind as he made his way to your house. Oblivious to the various guardian angels hidden behind hacked city cameras that looked over his shoulder. Seth was no fool. As he made his way to your door, he took a deep breath before knocking gently. Checking the time anxiously,

7:30 pm,

He registered you should still be awake, or at least feel him there as you always did. After a few seconds of waiting, the tensing in his chest began to subsided as he saw your smaller, curvy figure in front of him. The look of confusion on your face amused him, he silently chortled at the fact that you were confused to see gashes already patched up. Stepping out of the way, you allowed him into your house where he made himself comfortable on the sofa.

"Is everything okay? Where's Seth?" You questioned him, slightly panicked at the frazzled look on his face. Roman chuckled slightly, shaking his head.

"He's fine," his deep voice rang out,"and he's safe. Everything's fine."

You stood in suspicion, crossing your arms as you shifted your weight to one leg. "Roman Reigns, I'm not stupid. Why are you all patched up? Who did this to you?" Roman felt his heart skip a beat. It was time to tell the truth, and there was no going back.

"Your father." He whispered, yet you heard him perfectly. Your father?

"My father? I know my father, he would never do this to someone." You staggered out, half in disbelief and the other half in shock that something like this would even come out of his mouth.

"Then, you don't know your father, baby." Roman said, cocoa eyes peering into yours. By this eye contact, you were even more confused. Your train of thought sped up to 100 miles an hour as you looked into his eyes. People who lie don't look into your eyes...but dad! Dad would never! He was the most gentle man ever!


"It's true, Y/N."

"NO! You're mistaken-" you tried to exclaim, yet you were cut off by Roman's deep voice raising a few octaves.

"LOOK AT ME!" He exclaimed, heart jumping at the sight of you flinching at him. "I have no reason to lie. All I want is you, and he beat me to a pulp for it." You felt defeated at that. The sound of the strongest man you knew's voice cracking as he begins to unleash every secret known to man about the man that raised you. You felt stupid. Stupid for being so oblivious to his second life.

"Romie..please stop..I can't hear it anymore.." you whispered, head hanging low in defeat as your train of thought began to smoke and crash. The tattoo painted man leaned forward, gently inching you toward him. Your body moved instinctively with his, allowing him to pull you next to him. As your back touched the soft cream pillows of your sofa, you let your weight fall into his. As if the love you had overflowing from your heart for him wasn't enough to deal with, now you had to deal with a mafia boss dad? Who would stoop so low as to nearly kill the only man you've ever fallen in love with.

"What do I do, now?" You asked him, helplessly peering into his tired eyes. Roman leaned closer, whispering the most delicious answer possible.

"You let me love you."

"Now that you know, it's all we have left." He whispered. Your breath picked up as you felt your walls come crumbling down for this man. You felt your forehead press to his as your lips finally connected, tongues instantly beginning to dance together in all yearning. His big hands began to roam your body as your smaller ones snaked up and into his hair, pulling his messy bun out and sifting your fingers through it.

His heart lit up as he felt it. 'About time.'

He pulled you into his lap, your pristine thighs straddling his built ones. You felt your body heat up at the sound of him grunting whilst you rocked your hips back and forth. His perfect hands snaking down your body, landing at your hips to rock them harder. He hurried his perfect lips in your neck, sucking your sweet spot until he heard those delicious sounds leave your mouth.

As you both rid each other of your shirts, you pulled away for a split second, guilt washing down your half naked body. His body looked this way because of you.

"Romie..we can't." You whispered, looking into his eyes desperately. He took a deep breath, girthy fingers easing to stroke your hair back from your face.

"We can. As long as you love me, we can do whatever we want." He lowly whispered, his deep voice like music to your ears. At that moment, you decided for yourself, that he was worth more than anything. You let him take control of you, pinning your arms above your head as he unleashed years of pent up love and desire for you.

happy birthday, Rome. 🤍

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