Chapter 1

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Esmes' POV

Landing in Thailand after almost two years, was a mix off emotions. I would lie if I said I wasn't nervous, of course I missed my mom, and I was more then excidet to meet Chris and his daughter. But still, there was this weird feeling in pit off my stomach. Also this would be first time in two years that I sleep alone and wake up alone, without my fiancee by my side.

I sighed at thought off that, as I already missed her as soon as I landed, but tryed not to think to much about it. Instead I pulled out my phone, and texted my mom, telling her I landed, before calling the taxi.

Mom and Chris insisted on picking me up from airport, but knowing I would land bearly around 6 am, I denyed the offer. Waking them up to meet me was one thing, but waking them up and making them drive an hour in one direction, just to pick me up was something I would never left. After all I was more then fine with just paying for taxi. So my mom agreed on meeting me in the house, as she saw no use in trying to change my mind.

I dragged my two large suitcases im front of the airport, and feelt warm air on my skin. That was difference between New York and Bangkok, one allways cold and other one allways hot. But I didn't have to much time to think about how hot it was before car pulled up in front off me, and guy immediatly got out. He was older, maybe around 60, he was tall and his hair and beard were both completly gray. He was probably someones grandpa, cool grandpa I would say based on his looks.

"Miss White?" He asked softly as he read my name from his phone, and I was quick to nodd my head and he gave me small smile. He walked to back off his car and put my suitcases in and I got in the car, him getting in only seconds later.
He started the car and I could see him glance at me through the mirror.

"Vacations are over?" He asked softly, trying to start the conversation.

It was start off october, and most off people were back from their summer trips and vacations, but I shook my head.

"Not really, they just started." I answered back and could see him nodd his head.

"I'm guessing you are visiting your family here then?"

I smiled at that, I could tell he was a family guy just based off how he was talking to me.

"I am, yes. My mom is actually getting married so I came for the wedding."

He smiled and nodded his head. "That's great, weddings are allways fun. I'm guessing you live in USA, am I right?"

I was suprised by him guessing immediatly but nodded my head, comfirming it to him.

"You got the accent." He said immediatly, probably noticing my confusion, causing me to laugh softly.

After a decade off living there it was truly hard for me not to catch their accent, even thought Camila and I would speak Thai when we were home.

Hour later, off a nice ride and talking with my driver we finally pulled up to the front off the house. I wasn't even out the car yet, when I saw front doors open and my mother and talk man behinde her making their way towards me.

"Esme!" My mother squiled happily and immediatly pulled me in her arms, hugging me as tight as she could.

I didn't waist any time before wrapping my arms around her, and hiding my face in her neck, like a baby. I could hear my moms boyfriend talking with a driver, while getting my suitcases out off the trunk, when my mom finally broke the hug. I could see tears flowing down her face, causing me to frown immediatly.

"Mom, why are you crying?" I asked worridly, but she immediatly smiled and whipped under her eyes.

"Oh, those are happy tears darling." She spoke softly and gave my shoulder a light squize,before looking behinde my shoulder at her man.

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