Chapter 8

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Esmes' POV

Shopping was deffinitly one off my strongest passions. In New York I would go at least once a month, and spend a bunch off money on things I liked. Usualy with Camila right behinde me, asking if I really need all those things, and that our chloset is already way to full.

But shopping with my mom and Cali was actually so much different. Unlike Camila, they were both actually complimenting me on how good I looked in everything, and they weren't bothered with me dragging them from one store to the other.

My mom had her wedding dress bought already months ahead, so this was actually just for Cali and me to get ready, and I was actually enjoying it.

"Esme." Cali called out for me as she was changing and I was waiting for her in front of the dressing room.

"Yes?" I asked softly and watched as she peaked her head out and looked at me.

"I can't unzip my dress." She said softly, light blush on her cheeks.

"Okay." I spoke softly and without second thought got inside with her.

She was dressed into light pink tight dress, that reached up to middle off her thighs. It looked beautiful on her, as it hugged her curves perfectly.

She noticed me starring before turning her back to me. "Help, I can't reach."

She whined and I pulled the zipper down, letting small peace of fabric to fall on the ground.Leaving her only in white laced panties and matching bra. I gulped and bit on my bottom lip nervously as she turned to face me.

My eyes immediatly fell on her perfect boobs and strong abs, it was pretty obvious she was hitting the gym and she looked so good.

"Thanks." She said softly and I only managed to nod my head, before trying to walk out, but she was quick to grab on my wrist.

"Cal." I whispered out as I already knew what her intentions were, but she was quick to shake her head.

"I won't do anything." She spoke softly. "Your mom is here and I respect her."

I smiled softly and nodded my head gently. "Okay, so?" I asked softly as I wasn't sure why she pulled me back inside.

"I actually just wanted to apologize, if I took things to far this morning."

"You didn't, but we still haven't finished our talk from earlier." I said softly and bit on my bottom lip gently.

"Tonight?" She asked softly and run fingers through her hair as she looked at me.

"Yes." I smiled softly and checked her out one more time, before leaving the dressing room.

Rest off the day was spent walking around the stores, eating and drinking cocktails, when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out off my jeans pocket and smiled widly when I saw it was my bestfriend Noah calling me.

I showed my mom and Cali that I'll take the call and they both nodded their heads, as I walked out the store.

"Well, someone remembered that I exist."

I teased her as soon as I picked up the call and I could hear her laughing.

"You know I can't call when I'm on the plane Esme."

She answered back, it was good to hear her voice after some time.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, where are you now? Which coutry?"

"Thailand. Have you arived already for your mom wedding?"

"Omg, you are here! Yes I did few days ago."

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