Chapter 5

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Esmes' POV

As soon as we arived Cali was quick to pull me inside, into huge place that was crowded with people. I immediatly feelt old as I was without any doubt the oldest person there. There were kids there, that I was sure weren't even off legal age yet.

"Esme." She laned to my ear so I would hear her, as her arms was resting on my lower back. "We have to find our way to the kitchen."

She giggled softly and tryed to lead me through the crowd, as we pushed through bunch off already drunk people. Once we managed to walk to the kitchen there was immediatly a lot less people there. Two girls who were leaned against the kitchen counter to bussy with their conversation, while one boy was standing next to them making drinks.

"Holly." Cali squiled, causing one off the girls to look up and immediatly opened her arms for the girl next to me.

"Finally, you are here." Girl said excidetly as Cali was quick to jump in her arms as they hugged.

"Well, we bearly managed to get in, your place is packed." I could hear other girl laugh and nodd her head, before they both pulled away and Cali turned towards me with sweet smile.

"Esme, this is Holland." She spoke softly and I nodded my head, as her bestfriend smiled and walked up to me giving me quick hug.

"Nice to finally meet you." She spoke softly, and I could feel her checking me out, before she turned back to look at Cali. "You forgot to mention that your step sister is fucking hot."

I laughed softly at her blunt statment, and I could see faint blush making it's way on Calis' face before she shrugged her shoulders. Her bestfriend was also beautiful, she was tall and fit.

"Well, you didn't ask." Cali said not really bothered, before taking two drinks from the guy and handing one to me.

"This is Mason." She spoke softly and guy was quick to gently shake my hand, and Cali pointed towards the other girl. "And that's Nyla."

Nyla was also the one to give me quick hug, before looking at Cali.

"For real too, how can you not tell your friends that your soon to be step sister is like hottest woman alive."

Cali shooked her head at that comment and took a sip off her drink. "Can you two like not make her uncomfortable."

I smiled softly at that and shooked my head, as it really wasn't a big deal to me. And watching Cali get slightly shy, was actually adorable.

"Don't worry, it's not making me uncomfortable." I said softly and I could immediatly see Holland smirking softly.

"See? It's fine, so relax." She told Cali, who raised her hands in deffence before glancing bettwen Mason and Nyla.

"Okay, anyway where is your sister?" She asked before pulling out her phone and texting someone.

I raised my eyebrow at that, but it didn't take me to long to realize that those two are siblings.

"They are twins." Holland explained softly, as she probably noticed puzzeled look on my face.

"Yes, and I'm older." Nyla said proudly on which Mason immediatly frowned.

"Two minutes bearly." He added and girl just shrugged her shoulders.

"Still older."

I laughed softly at that and took a sip off my drink.

"You all ignored my question." Cali pouted and took a sip off her drink, making me smile softly.

Mason playfully rolled his eyes at her before wrapping his arm around her shoulder pulling her into him.

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