Chapter 2

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Calis' POV

Rest off the day was spent with Catherine preparing delicious food, and with us all just talking and getting to know ecather. Listening Esme talk about USA and her life there was more then interesting. She seamed like she had perfect life, with her job doing perfect and beautiful fiancee by her side.

It was around 10 pm when Catherine and my dad got up from the couch.

"We'll go to bed now." Catherine spoke softly before looking at her daughter.

"Are you really okay with sleeping on the couch?"

Esme was quick to nodd her head, but I raised my eyebrows confused.

"Sleep with me." I immediatly blurted out, but then realized how that must sounded. "I mean bed is huge and at least they won't wake you up when they get up early."

I spoke softly and could see everyone was suprised by my idea.

Esme gave me a small smile but shooked her head.

"Nah, it's fine really. I'm good here." She spoke softly and I nodded my head before getting up from the couch.

"Well, if you change your mind you know where the room is." I said softly and she smiled and nodded her head.

Catherine and my dad whished us good night and went upstairs. I also took my phone and looked at her.

"Goodnight, Cali." She said softly, while getting up from the couch and starting to unbutton her shirt, revealing formed abs and black laced bra. She was my step sister almost, but there was still no doubt that I found her attractive.

That scene caused me to blush immediatly, but I tryed to hide it by looking at my phone.

"Goodnight, Esme." I said back before walking upstairs and closing my doors behinde me.

I immediatly changed into  my clean clothes for sleeping, before getting in bed and pulling covers over my body. I remembered I didn't text Astrid or my bestfriend today, so I opened the texts before texting my girlfriend first.

To Astrid ❤️💋: Hey baby, just got in bed. Goodnight, I love you.

I smiled as my phone immediatly buzzed with an answer.

From Astrid ❤️💋: Hope you had a good day, baby. I love you to, goodnight.

Astrid was really best thing that could happen to me. Ever since I meet her five years ago, on Christmas dinner with my dad and his coworkers. Spending my Christmas there with people that I dont know, wasn't really something I was looking forward to. But as soon as one off my dad's best friends intruduced his daughter to me, night became a lot better.

I smiled softly at thought off my girlfriend before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over my body.

Soft fingers grazing my should made me to slowly stir in my sleep.

"Cali." Soft voice, that I didn't immediatly recognized, whispered out.

"Hmm?" I mummbled out before slowly opening my eyes, Esme was there, sitting next to me on the bed.

Her bare face without any makeup was so beautiful, with those long black lashes and pink full lips. And her outfit was a lot different then last night, she had on faded mom jeans and simple black tank top. She looked a lot younger dressed like that.

"Goodmorning." She whispered, small smile on her lips.

"Morning." I mummbled out and rubbed my eyes sleepily. "What time is it?"

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