Chapter 4

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Esmes' POV

"Esme." Soft voice whispered as my shoulders were lightly shook, making me to stir awake and look up. Immediatly meeting warm brown eyes that were watching me carefully.

"Goodmorning." She told me with cheeky smile, but I could tell it was dark outside.

"What time is it?" I whispered out groggily, my voice rough from my sleep, as I stretched out on the couch.

Couch was deffinitly to small, and to hard, as it was already taking its tool on my back. As they were hurting like hell.

"Its almost 9." She said softly and I watched her dry her hair with a towel, as she looked fresh out the shower.

I sighed and rolled from my stomach on my back, and stared up at the ceeling. I sleept through whole day and I was still so exausted, as I feelt like someone beated me up in my sleep.

"What time do we have to be there?" I asked softly and sit up but immediatly  winced, as sharp pain shoot through my back.

She frowned at that, and moved my pillow aside, before sitting behinde me and placing her hands gently on my shoulder. I immediatly tensed up, and she feelt it.

"Relax, put your weight on me." She whispered out quietly and carefully helped me to lean my back against her front.

I sighed and took a deep breath as I tryed to relax, and make the pain go away. I tryed not to focus to much on the fact that my back was completly pressed against her boobs. I didn't wanna act or think like a horny teenage boy. So we spent few minutes like that, just sitting in silence and me focusing on my breathing, and trying to ignore her fingers brushing against my hand gently. When I was sure pain is no longer there, I carefully pushed myself off of her and turned to give her small smile.

"Thank you."

She smiled softly and nodded her head at that, before getting back up and placing my pillow back to its place.

"It's fine, but you should seriously sleep upstairs with me. This couch is starting to kill your back and you sleept on it only twice." She said softly but I shooked my head.

"Cali, I don't wanna interupt your privacy." She raised her eyebrow at that.

"Oh, please. We are both girls, and I would never mind sleeping next to the beautiful one, that's for sure."

I laughed softly at her and shooked my head playfully.

"And what if you wanna sleep with Astrid?" I asked softly and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I wouldn't be to worried about that." She answered softly, causing me to look up at her in confusion, as she run her towel through her hair again.

"What do you mean by that?"

I asked softly as I got up from couch and went to my suitcase, as I tryed to decide what would I wear.

"Astrid and I are daiting for four years already, and let's just say that this year we started slacking a little bit." She spoke honestly and I was more then suprised.

I was well aware that Camila and I have that problem, but we were older then Cali and her girlfriend. And also we were together for almost a whole decade already.

"Aren't you both a bit to young to already go without sex?" I asked softly while pulling out black mini dress and pair off black heels, out off my suitcase.

I looked up at her and could see her watching carefully what I'm choosing to wear, before she shrugged her shoulders.

"Well we do have sex like once every two weeks, but I can't really say it's like anything before." She spoke softly and I hated the fact that I could relate so much with that.

So I just simply nodded my head before pulling my shirt over my head and pulling elastics off my sweats down my legs. Leaving me only in panties and matching black bra. From the corner off my eye I could see that Cali was checking me out.

I got my dress on and pulled it over my boobs before turning to face her.

"Uh, can you help me please?" I asked softly and she nodded her head, as she immediatly walked behinde me and moved all my hair over my shoulder before pulling my zipper up.

"Thank you." I said softly and she smiled and bit on her bottom lip.

"I'll go get dressed, and then we can go." She spoke softly before quickly rushing upstairs, making me chuckle softly and shake my head playfully.

I went to the bathroom and did my hair and makeup, when I heard her walking back downstairs. I peaked my head out the bathroom only to see her dressed up, as she had on black baggy pants and small black crop top. She did her makeup light and her hair was straighten and reaching almost down to her ass.

"Wow..." I mummbled out quietly and she heard me as she looked up at me and send me small smile.

"Ready to go?" She asked softly, as she took her phone and put it in her pants pocket.

"Sure, want me to drive." I asked softly as I took the keys but she was quick to shake her head.

"No, I already called us a taxi." She said softly, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Why?" I asked softly and she shrugged her shoulders. "I could drive."

"No, I want you to relax and enjoy, okay?"

She asked softly before taking my keys out off my hand and placing them back down. I sighed but nodded my head, and let her take a hold off my hand as she pulled me outside where taxi was already waiting for us.

We got in and she was quick to tell to the driver the adress, before pulling her phone out and I could see she was texting someone.

"I let Holland know we are coming." She spoke softly and I nodded my head, immediatly conecting that girl as Calis' bestfriend.


Next chapter is party, get ready😝

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