Chapter 9

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Calis' POV

I woke up with feeling off warm body pressed against me. I could feel her long arms and legs tangled around me, and memories off last night immediatly started coming back in.

I opened my eyes carefully, adjusting them to the light, as I was immediatly meet with other woman still sleeping soundly, with her face only inches away from mine. One off her arms was under my head, and I was sure her arm was numb by now, while her other one was over my waist. It feelt good, I couldn't remember last time I woke up cuddled up to someone. Even sleeping with Astrid wasn't like this, we would usualy woke up with backd turned to ecather and on different sides off the bed. But Esme made sure to hold me through whole night, after my mini breakdown about Astrid breaking up with me.

I sighed at that and bit on my bottom lip gently before scanning her face, she looked so pretty and so relaxed.

"You are starring, Cals." She husked out with her raspy morning voice, causing me immediatly to blush, as I couldn't tell she was awake.

"Sorry, but you are really pretty." I said softly and could see small smile crawl on her lips as she peaked her eyes opened.

"Morning." She husked out and brushed some off my hair out off my face, before placing her hand on my cheek caressing it gently. "How are you feeling?"

"I can't feel bad when I wake up like this." I answered honestly with a smile and she smiled softly and shooked her head playfully at me.

"That's good." She whispered out and bit her bottom lip gently before leaning over me. "So what happened last night? If you wanna talk about it."

"How can I talk about it when you are howering over me like that?" I asked softly and she gave me playfull smile, before leaning down even closer.

I rolled my eyes at that and placed my hand on back off her neck, and pulled her down, pressing my lips against hers immediatly. As I had enough off her just teasing me, for few days now already.

She was quick to kiss me back too, I could feel her hesitation but it didn't take long for her to relax and tangle her fingers in my hair as she deepen the kiss. Her one arm wrapped around my waist, under my shirt, pulling me immediatly on her lap. I smiled softly again her lips, before sliding tounge in her mouth, causing small moan to fall off her lips. And just then I knew it was my new favorite sound, but it didn't take long until she broke the kiss and pulled away a little to look at me.

"We shouldn't take this further." She whispered out, causing me to immediatly raise an eyebrow at her.

"Am I that bad off a kisser that you don't want me to do anything else to you?" I asked actually hurt but she was quick to laugh and shake her head.

"This was actually best kiss I ever had with anyone." She said softly and placed hand on my cheek caressing it gently.

"Okay, so? What's the problem then?" I asked softly and she shrugged as she leaned down, kissing my lips gently first.

"Problem is my mom and your dad are awake, and they could hear us."

I smirked at that immediatly.

"Are you warning me that you are loud in bed?" I teased and she blushed at that immediatly and punched my shoulder playfully, before wrapping both arms around my waist.

"Perv." She teased before shrugging her shoulders. "It's not that, it's just if I'm going to sleep with you I want it to be when house is empty. I don't wanna hold back when I'm with you for first time. I want us to be able to be loud as much as we want, and I want to fuck you where I want. Not just on this bed."

Fuck. Hearing Esme talk like that, deffinitly did something to me. Hearing her talk so serious about wanting to sleep with me, made me feel so wanted for first time in awhile.

I blushed at that and bit on my bottom lip gently but nodded my head.

"Okay, that's valid reason I guess." I said softly and she smiled at me as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Also, I want you to talk to me, about your breakup with Astrid. I don't really want to be used just for you to get over someone."

She said softly but I nodded my head. I could understand what she was saying. I knew that her saying yes to having anything with me, meent risking her marriage. Even thought at this moment I didn't wanna think about her fiancee back in New York. It feelt so good to have Esme like that. She was a girl that wasn't all about sex and I could tell that by the way she was cuddling me and kissing me. I hoped I wasn't only sex for her, but I also knew that I shouldn't really expect to much. As she was still getting married next spring, and this between us was only in secret.

"It's not about using you, or that I want to ruin your relationship with Camila." I whispered out and placed hand on her cheek. "I want you, I'm so attracted to you that I can't even explain. Ever since I first saw you, I knew I would get in trouble because off you."

She smiled softly at that and dragged her tounge over her bottom lip gently, while she was looking at me. "This doesn't mean we will get in trouble. We just have to be smart and keep this between us two, okay?"

She asked softly and I nodded my head, before bitting on my bottom lip teasingly and sliding hand under her shirt, feeling up her formed abs.

"Does this mean I can kiss you and touch you whenever I want, when we are alone?" I husked out while leaning closer to her, and she was quick to crash our lips on for a rough kiss.

"Only if I can do whatever I want to you when we are alone." She husked back causing me to smirk, as that really did sound perfect.

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