Chapter 7

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Calis' POV

Next morning I woke up with a pounding headache, but as soon as my eyes fell on the woman laying next to me, I remembered what I did last night.

"God, you are so stupid Cali." I mummbled out to myself and run my fingers through my hair nervously.

I glanced at her again, she was sleeping on her stomach so peacfully with her hands under the pillow with her ass slightly arched up in the air. Her black hair scatered over the pillow, she looked so good even in her sleep. I knew for sure that her Camila was one lucky woman, if this was the view she woke up to every day for past ten years.

Esme was a goddess, but also my soon to be step-sister, and I don't know what got into me as I begged her to fuck me night before.

I sighed and was about to get up when there was slight knock on my doors, causing Esme to slightly stir in her sleep. So I quickly got up and opened the door, meeting my dad standing in the hallway.

"Goodmorning." He said with a bright smile while I managed to give him one sleepy smile back. "Are you two awake, breakfast is ready?"

"She's still asleep." I spoke softly while leaning against the door frame as I was still to sleepy, and he nodded his head.

"Okay, can you wake her up? I know she must be tired but Catherine wanted to take you two dress shopping for the wedding."

He said with a smile and I nodded my head. "Sure."

"Okay, we'll be waiting you two for breakfast." He kissed my forehead sweetly before going back downstairs, and I let out a sigh before going back in the bedroom and closing the door behinde me.

I quietly made my way to the bed and sat down next to her, gently placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Esme." I whispered out quietly but she didn't even stir in her sleep.

I raised my eyebrow at that before shaking her shoulder gently causing her groan quietly. "C'mon, Esme." I spoke softly causing her to sigh and peak her eyes open.

"Cali." She husked out, her raspy morning voice sending shivers down my spine. "What time is it?"

"Almost ten." I said softly and without even thinking twice about it run my fingers through her hair, brushing away some that fell over her face.

She didn't look to bothered by it as she immediatly closed her eyes, like she was falling back asleep.

"You are playing dangerous game, Cal."

She whispered out, her eyes still tightly shut. And nickname she used sounded so good rolling off her tounge.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered back, obviously knowing what she was refering to, but I decided to play dumb for a bit.

"I thought about cheating on Camila with you." She husked out before opening her eyes again and starring directly into mine. "Then I had a dream off actually doing that."

Fuck. Just hearing her say those things was doing something to me. Was it possible that she was having a wet dream with me in it?

"Was I good at least?" I teased while continuing to play with her hair gently.

"You were so good that I had to get up in middle off the night to take a cold shower." She husked out, while dragging her tounge over her bottom lip.

"You could wake me up. I would help." I answered back, small smirk forming on my lips.

Thought off her touching herself last night made me want to play that dangerous game.

"Cal, I thought about it, but I couldn't."

She whispered out before rolling over and laying on her back, I smirked at that and without second thought threw one leg over her and got on top off her, straddling her naked abs before laying my one hand flat on her stomach.

She bit on her bottom lip gently before looking in my eyes and placing her hands on my thighs. Fact that she had her hands on me, while she was only in her panties and sports bra, was turning me on.

"I don't expect you to be my girlfriend Esme, or for you to dump Camila because off me." I husked out while swiping my hair on one side, and leaning down close to her face. "I just want that sexual tension to be released."

She bit on her bottom lip gently while starring at me before moving her hands up and down my legs, getting dangeruously high up with her hands before lowering them back down.

"Should I risk it all for sex with you?" She husked out, her eyes filled with lust, and I gave her small smirk.

"I'm good in that." I husked back, causing her to smirk.

She bit her bottom lip gently and looked into my eyes and was about to say something when there was knock on the door again, and I got of off her in a second.

"Girls." My sad called out again through the door.

"We are coming." Esme spoke softly and got up before opening the door, and greeting my dad with a sweet smile.

"Okay, your mom is getting nervous cause food is getting cold." He laughed and she laughed softly to, but I could see her running her fingers through her hair. Which I figured was her nervous habit.

My dad went back downstairs and she turned to look at me.

"We should really go downstairs." She spoke softly and I couldn't help but to check her out again.

"You do realise that you are just in your underware right?" I teased her and she blushed immediatly, before putting on her T-shirt and shorts that were right next to the bed, but she must took them off over the night.

"Okay, let's go now for real." She said softly and walked out the room, but turned around to look at me again. "Oh and don't think we won't continue this conversation later...cause we will."

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