Chapter 6

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Esmes' POV

I managed to get drunk Cali safely back home, but putting her in bed was a challenge, as she layed on bed without any intentions off changing her clothes. And my mom and her dad still weren't back home, which wasn't really making whole situation any easier.

"Cali." I whispered softly as I shook her shoulders gently and she just hummed at me. "You can't sleep at that."

"Get me naked then." She mummbled out, sly smirk forming on her face but I ignored it.

I knew she was just drunk and that she probably had a fight with Astrid. Which would result in her acting like that.

"I can't, you have to do it alone." I asked softly but she didn't move.

I sighed and gently placed hand on her shoulder but this time she was quick to wrap her fingers around my wrist, as her eyes opened immediatly.

"Are you scared to get me naked Esme?" She teased, her words slightly slurred, but I knew she was well aware off what she was doing.

I shooked my head and tryed to pull my hand back but she was deffinitly stronger, and before I even knew it my hand landed on her boob, and she had a firm grip off holding my hand there. Having her laying under me, with my hand gripping on her boob was deffinitly making me aroused, but I had to stop it.

"Cali." I said in a warning tone, but she didn't look bothered by it.

"C'mon, why don't you want it?" She whispered out before letting go off my hand and sitting up, quickly pulling her shirt off and throwing it on the floor. Her boobs were covered only with thin layer of black lace, and her abs were just begging for me to press my lips on them while reaching lower, but I tryed to keep my eyes on her face.

"Our parents are getting married soon."

It was valid argument to me, but she didn't agree.

"We are not blood related."

"I'm a lot older then you."

"Barely six years."

"I have a fiancee."

"On the other continent."

"You have a girlfriend."

"That relationship is dead, long time ago."

I sighed at that and run fingers through my hair nervously.

"Is that why you want to sleep with me? Cause your relationship with Astrid is bad?"

I asked softly but she was quick to shake her head.

"Reason why I want to sleep with you is because you are hottest woman alive. And that has nothing to do with my bad relationship, I would probably have same opinion even if me and Astrid were good."

She bit on her bottom lip gently as her eyes scaned me up and down.

"We still can't." I said firmly and she rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious we both have sexual attraction to ecather? Don't act like you aren't eye fucking me any chance you get. Or like you didn't enjoy when I was all over you at that party."

She husked out while inching closer to me. My eyes would constantly fall down on her chest, but I would remind myself to keep looking up.

She was right, everything she was saying was true. From the second she walked in the kitchen few days ago, and second when I learned that she's also gay I knew I was in danger. She was my type, and never in my life did I want someone as much as I wanted her. But I knew how much off a risk is in playing that game, and I still wasn't sure if I was willing to take it.

"I'm not denying, just saying we can't. I'm getting married in few months to the woman I love."

"If you love her, why are you thinking about fucking me." She husked out, her warm breath hitting my face. And I wanted nothing more but to lean in, but I was never a cheater, and Camila and I had a future together. I couldn't risk that for Cali, she was most beautiful girl I ever meet but my life was already planed out.

"Because your boobs are basicaly on my face right now, and I'm still just a human Cali, I get weak to."

She smirked at that and glanced down at her boobs before glancing at mine, my dress was doing good job at covering them but it deffinitly didn't hide them.

"So you'll really let me sit here shirtless without undressing yourself?" She asked softly and I bit my bottom lip nervously before nodding my head.

"Yes." I said softly before getting up, as I knew I had to leave. "Im going to change, go to sleep."

She sighed at that as she figured nothing would happen, no mater how hard she tryed.

"I thought we agreed you'll sleep here tonight." She said softly as she got up and unbuttoned her pants pulling them down, revealing perfect long legs. "Your back hurts from the couch."

I sighed at that, my back did hurt, but sleeping with her wasn't really my safest option.

"I promise I won't touch you." She quickly added as she put on some shorts and a T-shirt, and I feelt like I was finally out off danger off risking my marriage. "Just please sleep here, I can sleep on the couch."

I frowned at that and quickly shook my head.

"You are not sleeping on the couch, okay? We are both sleeping here I guess."

I said softly and she gave me soft smile.

"Okay, go change then. You can't sleep in a dress."

She spoke softly and I gave her small smile before walking out the bedroom and going downstairs to change. I was quick to take my makeup off and put on a pair off pjs' before going back upstairs.

Once I was back in the room she was already rast asleep, as alcohol obviously took it's tool on her. And I was kinda thankfull for that.

I turned off the light and quietly made my way to the bed, and checked my phone, realising Camila answered my text about going to the party with Cali.

From Camila💍: Hope you have fun baby. I just finished meeting at your company, everything is okay, but I can't wait for you to come back. I'm missing you a lot.

I smiled softly at that and bit on my bottom lip gently.

To Camila💍: I'm missing you to baby, I'm going to sleep now. I love you.

I placed my phone under the pillow and let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in, before closing my eyes, alcohol in my body also making me to fall asleep pretty quickly and not think to much about what happened just few minutes before.

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