Chapter 3

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Esmes' POV

Driving through Bangkok after so many years, feelt peacfull and nostalgic at the same time. But younger girl by my side was keeping my head in right place, stopping me from wondering to far away.

"So what after college?" I asked her softly, while parking the car in front off small and cute coffee place.

"Well I want to work in kids hospital." She spoke softly which made me smile, before she got out  and I lead her inside.

We set in small booth in the end off the shop, where it wasn't to crowded and got our coffees before my whole attention was on her again.

"So tell me, why kids hospital?" I asked softly, as I knew I was first person that wouldn't be strong enough to watch sick kids.

But she gave me sweet smile and shrugged as she took sip off her coffee.

"Well I don't know really, I know that's really challenging mentally." She spoke softly, and I nodded my head as that was exactly what I was thinking. "But at same time I want to help them, and save them if I have a chance."

I smiled softly at that and nodded my head, as there was something really special about girl in front off me, I just liked her way off thinking.

"And your girlfriend is going to be a lawyer?" I asked softly as I remembered her telling me about Astrid studying law, with her bestfriend Holland.

Cali smiled brightly and immediatly nodded her head. "Yes, I mean that's her plan."

"That's great, it looks like you have a bright future in front off you." I spoke softly and she just smiled sweetly.

"Well I probably won't be rich like you, but I want to have enough to live nicely and be able to take good care off my family one day."

I giggled at that and run my fingers through my hair, fixing it, as I allways feard my hair looks messy.

"And you want kids one day?" I asked and she immediatly nodded.

"Of course, I want at least two but three would be perfect."

"That's cute." I said softly and she nodded her head as she took sip off her coffee.

"What about you?" She asked softly and focused her eyes on me.

"I want a few, three or four. But I'm scared to give birth, and Camila is professional dancer, and already said she can't risk her shape and carrier for kids. So I guess I won't have them, unless we decide to adopt."

I spoke softly and I could see Cali frowning at that, her whole nose scrunching up, making her look even more adorable then before.

"Oh, wow." She said softly as she took another sip off her coffee.

I bit on my bottom lip gently and took sip off coffee to before looking through the window, this place changed so much on years that I was away from home. Everything was new, new furniture, new baristas and even people that were coming in the shop were people I never saw before. Last time I was here with my dad it feelt like home, now if feelt like I was just a tourist in my own home town .

"What are you thinking about?" She asked softly, causing me to look up and meet her gaze.

"This coffee shop, it was my dads' favorite place, he would take me here every saturday morning."

She gave me small smile at that.

"Catherine told me you had such a strong bond with him."

I nodded my head, and dragged my finger over top off the coffee cup nervously.

"I did. He was my bestfriend, and then he just died and everything changed."

I spoke softly and I could see her eyes soften as she was watching me carefully.

"Cancer?" She whispered out and I nodded my head and run my fingers through my hair.

"Yes, we found out he's sick in january and he died in march."

I whispered out as I remembered two worst months off my lives. Younger one was just sitting acros me and watching me carefully while letting me talk. I had a feeling I could talk my heart out with her, and she wouldn't judge me.

"Can I hug you?" She asked quietly and I send her small smile before nodding my head.

She immediatly got of off her chair oposite off me, before sitting right next to me and wrapping her arms around my body.

I bit on my bottom lip gently before wrapping my arms around her frame and resting my head on her shoulder. Her soft scent off vanilla immediatly calmed me down, and I let myself close my eyes for a few seconds, as I feelt her rubbing small circles over my back.

"Thank you." I whispered out quietly and pulled away a little so I could look at her.

"You know Esme..." She spoke softly as she reached her hand forward and brushed some off my hair behinde my ear. That cought me off guard and I found myself taking in deep breath on that innoncent gesture of hers. "My bestfriend is having a party tonight, come with me."

I raised my eyebrow at that. "Don't you think I'm to old for that?"

She was quick to shake her head and make cute pouty face.

"C'mon Esme please, I really want you to meet my friends and girlfriend."

Right, Astrid.

I sighed at that and thought for a moment, and she made sure to pout the whole time before I finally nodded my head and she gave me cheeky smile.

"Sure, I'll go with you. But I'll need a nap before that."

I said honestly as it was only my second day there, and I was seriously jet lagged.

She smiled softly at that and nodded her head.

"Of course, c'mon let's go home so you can rest."

She spoke softly and got up, pulling me up immediatly after her. And I found myself kinda looking forward to the party, for first time in over 10 years.

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