♡Half of a second chance♡

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<Half of a second chance>

Gilbert's point of view:

"I think she loves you more than she loves me."


I hear Mary and Eve talking when I enter the kitchen. I lean against the door and look at them, amused by the scene.

"I haven't heard her cry with you around." Mary smiles as she puts some vegetables in a pot.

"That's because I do whatever she wants. Isn't that right, little Delly?"

Eve lifts Delphine up, making funny faces to make her laugh.

Delphi is attached to Eve, considering that she comes to visit quite often. And as much as I hate to say it, she's not visiting me. She's visiting Mary and Bash. She visits because her parents do so. She visits because she is well-mannered and doesn't want to be mean to some people just because she doesn't want to see my face.

I tried to talk to her several times, but she either doesn't listen to me or changes the subject. Every time I try to bring up the topic of the trip, I see something change in her eyes. Confusion, sadness, then anger.

What makes it harder is that she is always around. And it is not like I don't want to see her, but I have to muster all the patience in me not to beg her to forgive me.

She has grown a lot in recent years, and is more gorgeous than ever. Her hair grew to waist level, in brown waves. And I love how she puts it in a messy bun at the back of her head. Even though she is still smaller than me (to her disappointment) she has grown taller, easily reaching my shoulder. She still makes small sketches in her notebook, but she no longer gave me lessons. I look at her while she draws often, wondering if I still appear in one of her drawings, or if someone has taken my place. Just the thought that she could be teaching someone else makes me go crazy. Drawing together was our thing. And I'll get it back.

I plan to win her back. All I have to do is to convince her to listen to me and believe me. How hard can it be? Plus, she better listen to me or she won't get rid of me.

"Gilbert? Are you okay?" Mary's voice catches my attention, bringing me back to reality.

"What? Yes I'm good."

"You zoned out." I nod, looking at Eve who is still playing with Delly. I walk towards them, smiling. "What are you girls doing here?"

Eve looks at me for a second, after turning her gaze to Delly, clearly not enjoying my presence.

"We're having a girly conversation, aren't we?" She asks Delly, even if she knows she'll only get a giggle. "And that means Uncle Gilbert is not invited."

I laugh, sitting in the chair next to her.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I think Delly would like me to take part in the conversation." I grin when the little girl stretches her hands towards me, implying that she wants me to hold her in my arms.

Eve rolls her eyes, a bit disappointed that Delly chose me, and gently puts her in my arms.

"I won't forget this betrayal soon, dear Delly." She crosses her hands, as if she is angry.

"So what shall we talk about ladies?" I look at them in turn. Delly mutters something in international baby language, and I don't understand that language, so I ignore her and look at Eve.

She ignores me, looking at Mary. "Hey Mary, do you need any help?"

She tries to escape, but little does she know that I told Mary about her so many times, and she offered to help me how she can.

Young love (Gilbert Blythe)Where stories live. Discover now