Viagra🥵 pt.1

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• use of drug
➱Height gap
➱Jk (189)
➱Tae (158)
➱Feminine tae (boy pussy) but mentioned as male
➱Cross dressing becoz why not ;)

                    AUTHOR'S POV

Laughing sounds filled the hallway of the Seoul University. A group of 4 were walking in the hallway while laughing and joking around...

Expext the one who is dead silent his dark brown cold eyes holding the aura of domination. Dressed in whole black outfit walking like a king like he own the world...

Irritated by his friends he quick his pace, just wanted to reach canteen as fast as he can and fill his stomach which is making rumbling sounds out of hunger...

Being a event manager sucks sometimes because you have to skip your breakfast just to attend council meeting early in the morning...

Although jk and his friends are the bad boys of the university but being called as a bad boy doesn't mean you can't top in whole uni and take part in events...

Jk came in top 3 of the most brilliant students of the university. Making his parents proud on their only son and heir of jeon cooperation 'number one company of the south Korea'...

Being from a high maintenance and rich family everyone wants to be friends with him, some of them even have the guts to purpose him only to get rejected harshly by the cold boy...

It's not like he don't want to date but he want someone who will love him for who he is, not for what he has...

Or well say he already found that someone but don't know how to tell him, yes 'HIM'

'The most popular bad boy of the university is gay'

But does everyone need to know that?. No...

Taking a seat in canteen and ordering for food his eyes started wandering to find that someone for whom he has a soft spot in his heart...

His eyes stopped at a certain blonde hair male who passed a smile when their eyes meet with each other...

The blonde male sat beside jungkook with his other 3 friends who sat next to their boyfriends...

"Hi kookie"

Said the mentioned boy while showing his infamous boxy smile towards the whipped male who is lost in other's adorable charm...

Sometimes he wonder how can someone look this cute in a causal outfit...


Blonde male again call his name with his sweet tone but jungkook is so lost in his ocean blue deep eyes completely forgetting about his surrounding...

But a soft push on his shoulder made him come back to the earth...

"W-what happen taehyung-aah"

"I said hi but you didn't response, are you okay?"

𝕿𝖆𝖊𝖐𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘Where stories live. Discover now