Sugar baby?🫶

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How are you feeling taekookers!?😭♥️

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How are you feeling taekookers!?😭♥️


- CEO Jungkook/Nursery teacher Taehyung
- Taekook are in LOVE
- Short, fluff
- words count :- 1334

the employees of Golden Corp. think Taehyung is CEO Jeon's sugar baby because of all the money Jungkook spends on him. What they don't know is that the CEO just loves to spoil his boyfriend.

Gossip about Taehyung being the CEO's sugar baby increases tenfold when he arrives at the company with arms full of bags of designer brands.

Taehyung goes straight to Jungkook's office, ignoring the hushed whispers.

It doesn't matter how many times Jungkook kisses him lovingly in public or has him accompany him during business events, it hasn't been enough to drive the fact home to most of his workers that the CEO feels something for him outside of the bedroom.

Taehyung can't even fully blame them. Jungkook is known in the industry for being cold, closed off, and sort of a ticking time bomb that can explode at any moment.

So Taehyung sort of understands why it would be hard for someone who doesn't know Jungkook personally to comprehend that he is capable of building a genuine, loving relationship with someone.

Taehyung also thinks that it's their loss. Their loss for not noticing how much Jungkook cares about his workers even if he is strict. He never lets anyone get mistreated or feel inferior to someone in a higher position.

Taehyung also thinks that it's their loss. Their loss for not noticing how much Jungkook cares about his workers even if he is strict. He never lets anyone get mistreated or feel inferior to someone in a higher position.

Taehyung would actually describe him as an introvert rather than cold. Taehyung knows that if someone gives Jungkook the time to get comfortable, it's super easy to become his friend.

Sadly, most people just take his initial stand-offishness personally——and leave before giving him an actual chance. So yeah, their loss.

He forgoes knocking as his hands are occupied and pushes the door open.

Jungkook looks up from the file he is reading with a glare on his features—surely ready to reprimand a worker for entering without knocking—but when his eyes land on Taehyung, the glare washes away.

"Hey, sweetheart. Come here."

Taehyung walks to his desk and places the bags on the extra chairs before going up to Jungkook and slipping on his lap.

He plants soft kisses to Jungkook's lips who holds and caresses his waist slowly. "Missed you, love." Murmuring against Jungkook's lips,

he presses one last kiss and pulls away.

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