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My entire world felt bleak.

The woman I love, the only woman I had ever trusted betrayed me.

She stood there with a gun pointed at me. My gun pointed at me as she allowed the FBI to arrest me.

All that ran through my head over and over the whole ride to the FBI headquarters is the words 'agent'. Grace was an FBI agent, she had been placed undercover too get me.

Every single thing she had ever said to me, it was a lie. It was all to gain my trust too get me arrested. I had never once second guessed that woman, she had gained my trust without even a second thought.

I never once believed someone like her would do this to me.

I sat in the back of an SUV, my hands handcuffed behind my back. I had lost everything in the blink of an eye, my family hadn't even known about this arrest.

I knew the second they found out Grace was involved, she would be on the hit list. Her life would be at risk. In some fucked up way I still had the urge to protect her.

Why would I want to protect someone that had ruined my life?

I hadn't spoken a word to anyone around me, it took three hours but I had arrived at Quantico. I am pulled from the car and dragged towards the building. The man in the suit who everyone called Miller had the biggest smile on his face, I wanted to punch it right off.

He must be the man in charge, he wanted me brought in. Something was telling me that he was a big part of Graces undercover work. He had tried to get something out of me on the journey but I kept my silence.

I am thrown into a room with a two way mirror, I knew my questioning would come soon enough. I wasn't going to give anything away. But I am sure they had enough to nail me for the rest of my life, I had told Grace everything.

I had told her about my kills, I had told her about my imports. I didn't know why but I never doubted that woman, looking at it now I didn't know why I did trust her.

"She actually handed him over?" I hear a voice ask the man known as Miller. I knew they were talking about my Grace, of course they were.

I heard her fall to the ground, I had to fight every urge in my body to not want to hold her in my arms. I loved that woman, I would give up everything for her.

Right now I hated her, but I couldn't help but still want to protect her in every way I possibly could.

I wanted to hate her more than I love her, but I know that it wasn't possible. My entire body was made for her, every thought I ever had was for her. I knew I was put on this earth to be with Grace, but she was the woman I knew anymore.

I sit here staring down at the metal table for god knows how long. The door finally opens and in walks Agent Miller. He had a stack of files in his hands, I couldn't even be bothered to argue with this man.

"Mr Cavalini, I hope you enjoyed the trip" He had a stupid smirk across his face.

This man would be the first I murder when I am out of here.

"Taking these cuffs off might make it more enjoyable" I speak back to him, I watch him turn around to the mirror before motioning to someone.

A smaller man walks in, he looked younger. The same age as Grace, I wondered if he knew her. If he had the pleasure of knowing what an amazing woman she was. But then again no one knew the woman I had fallen for, because she wasn't real.

The cuffs are taken off of me and I am let free to place my arms in from of me. I knew fighting wasn't the way to what I want, I wanted freedom and when bail was set I would pay whatever it was. I didn't care if it broke me down, I refused to go to a prison. Like I wasn't the most powerful man in new york, in prison I would be nothing to anyone.

"I'm sure you know Agent Harris" Miller pulls out a picture of my Grace. Only she wasn't Grace, the picture was her FBI ID card, she looked beautiful in her picture.

But she wasn't Grace Hadley like I had always known. She was Allie Harris, I had no idea who this woman was.

I loved Grace not Allie.

"Apparently I do" I breath out, I needed too keep my cool. I refused too let this man break me down, I would win.

"Agent Harris was put on your case, of course she became more invested than we might have hoped"

"You mean I fucked her" I snap, I watch as he tenses up. "She was good too" I smirk, I loved the awkwardness of this entire situation.

I knew how much the FBI must have hated our relationship, how they just have discouraged it so much. The way she fell to the floor, this takedown was not her idea.

"Not appropriate to the case"

"What have I been arrested for exactly?" I questioned him.

"Importation of drugs, Murder, Manslaughter, assault, selling drugs, money laundering. I could go on"

Every single of one those crimes I had done, I don't deny that. I just lean back and smile letting this man go on.

"You're very happy for a man that just lost everything"

"I didn't lose anything" I reply.

I love Grace, but I refuse to let her be a weakness to me. I refused too let this man and anyone in the FBI know about my feelings, I would play it cool.

"Not the love of your life?"

"I can't love someone that would do that"

It was true, I had to give her up now. I couldn't love her anymore, I couldn't trust her. She had ruined my life.

I had to forget about Grace Hadley, she never truly existed. The woman I loved was dead to me now.

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