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As in the 17 year old kid I left behind, but this wasn't a kid in front of me anymore. He was a fully grown man, he had changed so much. His eyes were filled with much more pain than they were when I last saw him.

"Sam?" I speak as I look at the man that was once a young boy who followed Xavier around like a puppy.

A boy who looked up to Xavier, but now he looked down at me.

He had a lot of power behind him, he looked like he had bad plans for me. He was the mastermind behind this entire plan but he was still young, which meant he was ready to take more risks than someone older.

He didn't care.

"Grace, or should I say Allie" He speaks as he takes a chair and sits in front of me. I can't move not because I'm tied down, but because I was scared. I was so fucking scared right now.

"Sam whatever it is pleas-"

"Don't speak" He snaps sharply causing me to be taken back. I didn't know what to do or say, I didn't know if begging for my life already was going to end badly. I didn't know if I should just wait and see what he had to say. "You ruined my family Grace"

"I didn't mean to I-"

Tears fell down my face as Sam stands from the chair and ushers to be left alone with me in the room. Marcus leaves the room leaving me alone with Sam, a fate that a few months ago wouldn't have bothered me.

Right now it scared the shit out of me.

"Grace you ruined my life and you ruined Xavier's"

"He's back Sam and he forgives-"

"He's weak"

I look at Sam and he wasn't the boy I met years ago. He was a man with a lot of anger behind his eyes, fuck I was in trouble here.

Sam would never forgive me for ripping his family apart, he would never want me to live a happy life. Even if Xavier wanted me to, he had been raised by wolves after Xavier left. It was clear to see they wanted to make a monster and that's what they had done.

"He fell in love with you, of course he forgives you but you ruined everything. You took my uncle, you took my family. My grandmother went when you did and I'm sure you had something to do with that, you ruined the family and you will pay for it" He speaks, there was venom behind every single word he spoke.

Sam hated me.

He really fucking hate me.

"I know where Xavier is" I speak softly. "I also know where Gia is"

"She's alive?"

The mention of Gia caught him off guard, for a small second I saw the kid I had known again. He was just a broken kid who wanted his family back, he had been manipulated and brainwashed into hating the world.

I don't blame him, he lost everything and this was my fault.

I couldn't deny that it was my fault, I never wanted to hurt this family. I never wanted to break the family apart, I wanted to be apart of it at one point. I would have given up anything to take back what happened, if I never turned him in my life could be very different.

I could have my baby, I could have a real family.

"She's been with me" I confess. "I was pregnant and she helped me, I lost the baby so Gia protected me"

I promised to never tell anyone that didn't need to know about her. She was mine and Xavier's baby, she was mine and I didn't have to share her memory.

"So you took her too?"


"She took me Sam, she helped me" I had tears falling down my face.

I watch him think, he was debating what to do with me. I was a problem now, I knew where Xavier and Gia was. He wanted to kill me and be done with it, I knew he did. But I now had information that he could use.

"Tell me where" He demands.

"Not unless you promise I won't die" Sam scoffs at my request. It was stupid, I knew it was stupid he wanted to kill me of course he did. 

"You won't die" He speaks nodding, the weight had lifted off my shoulder. There was one rule, they never lied.

A promise was a promise and that was something they always prided themselves on.

"You'll just wish you were dead" He speaks before slamming the door behind him.

Leaving me alone in a room I had no way out of.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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